


Well, here is something I read the other day. (We are in Florida now, and it is all too true about those darn palmetto bugs!) This was the suggestion: Mix powdered sugar, powdered borax, and baking soda in equal proportions. Put a small container somewhere where kids and pets cannot get into it. It is supposed to kill the roaches. If no borax, the suggestion was that the powdered sugar and baking soda should do the trick, too.


Having lived in Florida for 27 years, pardon me while I laugh. A lot. Powdered sugar would just be inviting ants in to party with the roaches. All the stuff that works well is illegal now, like the *original* Sevindust (sp). In a pinch (like just an errant palmetto bug) I've found that Lysol Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner and Windex work better than RAID. And no, the store brands don't work as well for it (no knock-off Lysol/Windex/bug spray).