SA Family could you please send supportive vibes my way?


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering how it went. Sounds perfect for difficult child, he is so lucky to have you in his corner. Keep good thoughts that the news tomorrow is good and the rest of the process goes smoothly.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support. It really will be a blessing if I can get him happily independent this year. As everybody knows I love the guy to death but somehow I really need to focus on me asap. I asked difficult child#1 today "Son if I pull this off and you get this great house which would you and Chrtistina prefer?? (1) Grandad and Ace come to live with you or (2) your Mama comes and utilitzes the second bedroom. He got this big smile and burst out laughing. YOU know the answer to that, Mama (pause) but Christina may not be prepared to take care of you. Then it was my turn to laugh aloud. "Son I don't need anybody to take care of me...I just want to be left peacefully in my room and have a meal or two occasionally. The two of us giggled from the real estate office to when I dropped him off. LOL DDD


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Staff member
husband and I may be looking for a house in Florida next year. Would you be my real estate agent? You have a knack for this.

Your difficult child#1 is lucky to have you.



Wow! 40 grand for 1800 sq ft? I gotta move to Florida. I'm buying a place now; I was planning to move out of town to get difficult child away from his bummy friends and get out of the condo into a house so difficult child can build skateboard ramps, skate in driveway, etc ie STAY HOME. I couldn't bring myself to leave town completey but am moving about 5miles away to the other side. The place is older but interior totally redone, laminate, granite, etc. But the coolest thing is it is about 2/3 of an acre! $370 for that much land in So Cal is a pretty good deal but still lots more money per month than what I'm used to. But it should work out ok.


Well-Known Member
Smile...Of COURSE he wants his mama to utilize the second bedroom!
I just love hearing the two of you interact.

I'm super excited for you all, DDD. I just KNOW this is going to work out! (okay I don't "know" but I'm really REALLY hopeful) :)

There is truly something to be said for never giving up on our difficult child's...for seeing this thing through.
husband used to remind me that it was "only half-time"...sigh, when I was ready to throw in the towel or was just wallowing in despair. I so admire all that you have given of yourself to easy child/difficult child and difficult child 2. You help keep me motivated and hopeful.

Waiting to hear the results!


Well-Known Member
Rural Florida is not expensive...but,'s absolutely not a dynamic locale. Understatement. A couple of CD family members have reached out in the past wanting input on the coasts. Love the coasts. Residential property on the coast "ain't cheap". on the other hand (sounding like a Chamber of Commerce Rep) Florida is such a diverse State. The N end of the State has hills, lakes and has the feel of other Southern States. There are gorgeous central areas with big horse farms and the central Orlando W over to Tampa is a bit more hubbub. Below Orlando is small town rural and then when you get down toward the South hussle bussle and excitement and dynamics and multicultural mutilingual kicks in and you best have some big bucks to live nicely. Yep, I'd love to have you all head South. You can come to difficult child's house and visit me in my 15x11 guest bedroom. :rofl: Still crossing fingers as I roll on the floor lmao. DDD


Well-Known Member
Think you guys know that I supported five as a Realtor when I was a single Mom. I am an assertive salesaman although I do have sensitivity. Today difficult child#1 asked me "Mama WHEN are we going to hear if our offer will be accepted?" I said "Son, I don't know...BUT it is "your" house so you can call the Realtor and ask when we should expect to hear back." He woosed out a bit and I pushed. So he DID (yeah) call the Realtor and nicely and politely asked "Mr. X I'm worried about my house. When do you believe we will hear back?" The Realtor replied "I understand you are eager...I am too..but I think we'll hear back Monday or Tuesday." husband, difficult child, girlfriend and I are on edge hoping..........REALLY hoping they accept the offer and no other offers come in over the weekend. The house in the hands of HUD. Yikes, government, lol. Fingers still crossed.l I don't want to whine but I REALLY need to know my easy child/difficult child is settled with-o needing me. Whine. LOL DDD


Well-Known Member
I know how important this is to you DDD, and to your son. I am praying for this to all go through smoothly.



Well-Known Member

Good for you for handing the reins over to easy child/difficult child to make that call to the realtor and check on "his" house. I can see you are trying to nudge him along to be a fully responsible adult.

I'm still out here with hopes and prayers that easy child/difficult child gets his house.

ps...Has GFGmom had anything to say about all this?


Well-Known Member
GFGmom does not know about this, LMS. At least not to the best of my knowledge. She does know about his Disability money in transit and (believe it or not) I feel a bit badly about that. Yes, I know she literally ripped us off for years by collecting money on behalf of #2 and truthfully I don't believe has offered us $100 since l987 when easy child/difficult child was born BUT she lent him $1400 to buy a car around six months ago. She has VERY sadly spent all her retirement money and is broke. He told her he would pay her back for the car when his disability money came in. BUT she's been asking him and asking him and he told her the truth "The money goes to Mama and I can't get any of it." According to the regulations I am not allowed to use his money for debt repayment. Legally I have to account for every cent.

Some money can be sent to her monthly from his monthly income checks. Morally I want him to repay the debt. Logically he thinks that since she has literally stolen from him in the past he should not worry about repaying her. Ugh. I really hate how GFGmom has taught and demonstrated all the shades of gray in life to the boys. Sigh. DDD