School testing


Active Member
When the ed spec at sd said they needed to do a comprehensive evaluation on difficult child, I wrote a letter stating that their proposed educational test, "a memory" test, and interviews, reviews, were not sufficient to assess ALL areas of difficult child's suspected disability, which is required by state regs. They had been given a copy of a recent letter from psychiatrist stating difficult child's Bipolar diagnosis. I said that due to his diagnosis and areas of difficulties that showed up on previous neuropsychologist testing, they needed to test attention, inhibition, shifting set, cognitive abilities, various types of memory, and executive functioning skills (such as planning, organization), and further assess how social difficulties, sleep issues, and medication side effects are impeding his learning.

After phone calls and emails from them (including from the director of Special Education) trying to explain how they were sure that their evaluation would cover everything, I asked AGAIN for them to send me a specific list of tests and assessments that they planned to use on difficult child. This is the list I received:

Woodcock-Johnson III, Tests of Cognitive Abilities
Bender Gestalt II
Resiliency Scale for Children & Adolescents )
Student Interview
Test of Memory and Learning – Second Edition
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (Parent)
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (Teacher)
Conners – 3 (Self Report)
Conners – 3 (Parent Report)
Conners – 3 (Teacher Report)
Parent Questionnaire
Teacher Questionnaire
Behavioral Observations
Review of Records

I'm thinking it's not sufficient, but I know nothing about these tests- except I thought the Conners form is for adhd. And I had no idea that executive functioning could be assessed by "behavior rating" forms. Also, does anyone know what "resiliency scale" is?

Does anyone know specificly how I should address this? At one point, I was told that I need to allow them to do these tests, then if I'm not happy with the results, I could ask for an IEE. What I asked for was a comprehensive evaluation that included all tests necessary and if they didn't have anyone employed by the sd who was qualified to do them, then they needed to pay for them to be done by someone else.


Wiped Out

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I'm not really sure if the tests are sufficient. I think I would also post this over in the Special Education forum.


Active Member
Thanks, Sharon- it's ok- I already sent an email back to the ed spec. I researched her proposed tests this evening and found there are short versions and long versions. I told her in my email that they would reveal some things if the long versions were given, but in order to test the other areas they needed to include a few other tests, which I listed by name, instead of using subjective reporting from others.

I also pointed out that difficult child remains in their school system and any long term placement by the judge will require an IEP meeting to change placement and subtly reminded them that they are still responsible for educationg him. Furthermore, they wanted to test difficult child when he isn't symptommatic in order to see if he still qualified for an IEP. (Never mind that EVERY prof says he needs to be on one and stay on it.) So, I told her my position is that he does need an iep and the re-evaluation is to uncover all weaknesses so that we can accommodate them thru his iep.

It's kind of hard to continuously blame difficult child for everything when the safety net didn't do anything they were supposed to do and everyone just kept digging themselves in deeper.. And just like difficult child, now it will cost them more because they were spending their time trying to make sure they wouldn't have to pay anything.


New Member

Honestly, I don't put much faith into school testing as it is. Are these tests sufficient? I don't know. D has had them all - B, too, and the thing is, whatever the scores are, they're gonna be based on what difficult child feels like doing.

So, for example, if he's manic a day, can't focus and is feeling horrible - doesn't work, his score could come out really low. And, if he does all the work, and excels, it'll come out high.

And, they won't keep retesting him because he had a "bad" day.

I don't know what you're looking for. Honestly, if you have concerns with things like learning disabilities or such, I'd be looking for a neuropsychologist. They are going to do far more testing wise, and they will take the time with difficult child. A school psychologist doesn't know squat (sorry if that offends anyone) - they're good to help with ADHD and throw a couple of cushy suggestions your way, and that's it.

Furthermore, if your son is labeled ED (Emotionally Disturbed) they aren't testing squat for symptomatic anything. LOL! Schools are so stupid. Get an Advocate. I'm telling ya (I think I told you this before), all you will have to say is "MY ADVOCATE IS QUESTIONING...." and their ears will perk right up.