She pitched in


Well-Known Member
I've come down with some sort of bug with a fever hovering around 102F. husband made dinner last night (omlettes) and was going to order pizza tonight when Duckie offered to make grilled cheese and tomato soup instead.

She did a real nice job. Nobody has cleaned up the kitchen, but I'm too sick to care.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. She feels bad that I'm sick (again)... she figures that the stress she's put me under for the last several weeks hasn't helped. She knows I'm really run down.


Roll With It
So sweet! Just make sure they clean up the kitchen tomorrow so you don't have to when you feel better. I hope you feel better soon.


Shooting from the Hip
When you feel better, give her a Mom-hug from me for that - you know the kind, where you know you've been hugged and you're loved.

That was a really sweet thing for her to do!