She's been arrested on a felony charge..



Now she's been kicked out of the shelter again and is staying at a "friend's" apartment. "Friend" is age 16 living with his brother and single Mom who works all night. Same garbage, different day. She is right back where she started when she got arrested. Talking about buying a tent to stay in while her difficult child-boyfriend comes to visit her again. It's become like watching a sick, insane soap opera rather than real life. It would make one heck of a reality show on tv, wouldn't it?


Yep! And you know what? I am glad I did not visit her in jail, I did not try and find another lawyer and I did not go to court at any time. I'm especially glad I didn't show in court because the judge was asking her if anyone from her family (meaning ME or her aunt) was in the courtroom because he was going to try and let her go so long as one of us agreed to let her stay with us (NO WAY!) until her court date and of course, posting bail for her (another BIG NO WAY!). Since we weren't there, he couldn't brow beat us into taking responsibility for her and so off to jail she went. We will never know if she lied about the stealing or not. She lies constantly to everyone now. She's even lying to her difficult child-boyfriend and looking for dates through craig's list. No regards for safely or anything.


Well-Known Member
(((HUGS))) It's good you didn't go to court or visit her in jail. It's a painful situation. She's going to learn the hard way, and I hope she does learn at some point. I like your motto.