Should I tell the truth?


Well-Known Member
The truth is attractive, yes, Hound Dog... One thing I've had to learn personally (or try to) is that, at the same time, truth should not be used like a sword...

"Before you speak, consider three things, and only speak if these are true:
- Is it true?
- Is it kind?
- Is it necessary?"


Well-Known Member
Be prepared for IF he mentions to the dog owner about changing the date and blames her in some way. Not sure how to prepare, but it could happen. Just pre-think it through is all.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, busywend, for the "heads up" but Jacob's mind doesn't seem to work that way... or all four year old minds, maybe? He lives so much in the present, he will have forgotten all about my comment on Saturday when he sees the dog. Very sweet - last night in the bath he solemnly declared "Mummy, I love you - and the dog!" His enthusiasm for the dog may not last (I hope it will) but I would really like a dog now too, so that is fine.