timer lady
Queen of Hearts
with wm's Integrated Listening Systems (ILS) therapist telling me that we MUST have a meeting; that wm must be told he cannot come home EVER, yada, yada, yada - making me feel the worst parent in the world because I chose kt over wm. Mental health case manager put an end to that until all parties concerned are in the same room.
Yup, another one of those meetings. psychiatrist, attachment tdocs, Integrated Listening Systems (ILS) tdocs, day treatment providers, PCAs reps, respite providers - CADI manager, & 3 or 4 other SWs just for the hell of it.
Mental health CM informed me today that Integrated Listening Systems (ILS) therapist was off base - wm cannot be told never or his group home placement is at risk before the court. CM will not go before a judge & tell him anything but reuinification as the plan. It may not be before he's 18 but that is the plan.
Having said that, all this garbage dumped on me because I wasn't visiting enough - CM told me 2 minutes of contact a week fulfills what must be done for the court. husband has been fulfilling that. The judge is also taking into consideration the "kt factor".
Mental health CM also said that wm's therapeutic team isn't communicating with any of us & are making decisions with-o checking in with him or the treatment lead - attachment therapist. Not tolerated.
He also let me know that kt will be represented & advocated for in any meeting of the minds. This isn't just about kt or just about wm, but about family. CM will remind all involved that this is FAMILY social services, not wm or kt social services.
Now, it comes down to getting all these professionals in one place at one time. I thought I'd invite my therapist along just for shi%s & giggles. :smile:
Yup, another one of those meetings. psychiatrist, attachment tdocs, Integrated Listening Systems (ILS) tdocs, day treatment providers, PCAs reps, respite providers - CADI manager, & 3 or 4 other SWs just for the hell of it.
Mental health CM informed me today that Integrated Listening Systems (ILS) therapist was off base - wm cannot be told never or his group home placement is at risk before the court. CM will not go before a judge & tell him anything but reuinification as the plan. It may not be before he's 18 but that is the plan.
Having said that, all this garbage dumped on me because I wasn't visiting enough - CM told me 2 minutes of contact a week fulfills what must be done for the court. husband has been fulfilling that. The judge is also taking into consideration the "kt factor".
Mental health CM also said that wm's therapeutic team isn't communicating with any of us & are making decisions with-o checking in with him or the treatment lead - attachment therapist. Not tolerated.
He also let me know that kt will be represented & advocated for in any meeting of the minds. This isn't just about kt or just about wm, but about family. CM will remind all involved that this is FAMILY social services, not wm or kt social services.
Now, it comes down to getting all these professionals in one place at one time. I thought I'd invite my therapist along just for shi%s & giggles. :smile: