So helpless with my five years old


Well-Known Member
Its a challenge dealing with kids this age - but its obvious that the "professionals" you're dealing with are not professional enough.
5 minutes to come up with a diagnosis??!?

Somehow, you need to get a thorough evaluation. One that involves multiple hours of testing for all sorts of conditions.
Only then will you have some realistic idea of what you are dealing with. (at this age... it probably still won't be definitive... you will have to fine-tune the diagnosis later)

And then you can look at what interventions and accommodations are likely to work.

medications... are sometimes a critical component. You may not be able to make any progress without medications. But it requires a psychiatrist that you can actually work with, who is detailed and understands these kids and is realistic in expectations of what medications can and cannot do...
It may take several tries at different medications, and/or different dosages, and/or combinations.
So don't toss the idea of medications out the window.

But a diagnosis based on 5 minutes, followed by a rx?
You definitely need a "second opinon". But not just an ordinary "review". You need a re-evaluation.


New Member
Well Someone from NAMI called me back but they say they don't deal with autism . We don't have any PACER around here either. Back to ground zero as usual


Well-Known Member
Back to ground zero as usual

been there done that.

You've got to keep banging on doors, pushing buttons, getting more leads.
Part of the challenge is that you do not really know exactly what you are dealing with - so, to get turned down because they don't deal with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is bull-twiddle. You may well be dealing with both a mental health issue AND a developmental issue AND additional problems due to environment etc. But if they are turning you down, then they are probably right - they won't have the right attitude, if nothing else, to be able to help you.

Keep looking.

You need a full-scale evaluation.
Teaching hospital? should have a child developmental team, or a child behaviour evaluation team, or something like that.
Or a neuropsychologist (seems to be a common route in the US)
Don't be pigeonholed either - you 're not looking for someone who deals with diagnosis XXX - you're looking for someone who can start at square one and work with the whole picture and come up with fresh recommendations and dxes as appropriate.


New Member
I already have the full scale evaluation report .

The psychiatrist refuse to medicate him saying we need to get the therapist on board and to work things one by one. T child is screaming at the top of hs lungs the whole day. I had neighbor calling 911 cos they couldn't handle the noise. He rarely sleep rarely eat.... I m so exhausted


New Member
Again, get another psychiatrist. How can the therapist work with your child if he's so out of control he can't even function.

My first line of attack for my kids was to get them into therapy. They refused to interact with the therapist. Only after I got them medicated, were their moods stable enough to work with the therapist.

Does the therapist think he needs to be medicated? if so then they are "on board" and the psychiatrist needs to get with the program or get fired.


New Member
everytime my son went to the doctor's office.irregardless pediatrician,pediatrician or therapist..he would be reserved and hiding before me or sitting them like a frozen duck. the seconds he is out of that enviroment,he became more relaxed himself.
I am sure thats how the professional didnt understand why I constantly telling them that he is out of control. Psychiatrist says he likes it when he is able to refrain himself when he is in a new enviroment. But that doesnt save my ass that he is out of control anywhere else.
its like a dog can be a dog anywhere but once they are in the vet office,different behavior...its like they know?

yesterday night,i resorted in giving my son 5htp. a natural remedy for mood...i goggled and a lot of parents using that for their hard to control kids,and kids with autism or adhd...he has been screaming nonstop and so irritated to everything..he developed motor tics...he shrugs his shoulder a tortoise's makes me wanna cry just by seeing how he couldnt control himself...the screaming and the crying is nonstop...i seriously mean nonstop..not a minute he would calm down to do anything can any adult handle a child who couldnt control himself?

last night after taking 100mg of 5htp,he was calming down and we can managed to do tracing and dotting and watched an episode of little bear...and i broke into tears when he told me 'mommy,i need help'.. i know he needs help but pyschiatrist has his point too...some psychiatrist medicate the kids unneccessary,i should be happy that my psychiatrist is being cautious,maybe a little over cautious...

i m not sure how the therapist is going to work with a child who basically couldnt control his speech and movement...maybe by then the psychiatrist would finally medicate him..i just hope my family can hold on so long..


Well-Known Member
I already have the full scale evaluation report .

Does the report you have address in detail the issues with sleeping and eating? And give specific recommendatinos on dealing with this?

If not, you don't have a "full scale evaluation" report. You just have "a" report, and that isn't good enough.