Well-Known Member
I hope everyone is well. Going through summer and enjoying all the sunshine and swimming. Nothing like swimming in the pool to calm my restless nerves. My daughter is 42 years old. Somedays she can be kind and other days a lying A.H. I have no idea how anyone can be with her on a regular basis. I have no idea how a decent person can try to make a relationship work with her. We went shopping, she had a bunch of gift cards and told me to put what ever I wanted in her cart. I put a bottle of nail hardner, a brand that I have looked all over for and really wanted. That is all I put in her cart. When we get to my house, I can't find the nail hardner. She said she does not know where it went. I think she took it out of the cart when I was not looking. What a crappy thing to do. Then we went to vote on a neighborhood election, she signed my name and took my ticket to win a door prize. I had asked her last month if she filled out her form to vote and she said she did but then when we got there she was not on the list and had to fill it out there. I know these are small things but tons of them are enough to cause deep harm. It's one after another of these small, highly irritating things that sends me to the moon. Years ago it was tons of these small things plus very large damaging things. How can she continue to lie and do things like that and it not affect her inner soul? She is difficult even as she is better than years ago. Years ago I was planning on moving and not leaving a forward address, yes it was that bad.
And then the mania subsides and she is sweet and kind and my momma heart is ignorant and want to believe that it will be good like this from here on out but that is not the case. Even though she is toxic, rude, and a liar she does not affect me as deeply as my bipolar sister in law. When having contact with the sister in law, I get acid reflux, headaches, bleeding hemmoroids and depression, even when she calls and talks to my husband her brother. I am so allergic to her. And I am also allergic to my daughter but on a lesser level.
I think with my daughter, I know she loves me when she is not manic. With the sister in law she is alway hateful. I once said to my bipolar sister in law 'Don't you ever get tired of being so damn mean? then I said I bet it gives you immense please to harm someone. I really believe that some bipolar people are also sadistic and it is satisfying for them to harm someone. I think it maybe a sexual thing. I remember one time my sister in law was yelling and screaming and being demonic to me and when I looked at her face it was almost like she was having some sort of sexual pleasure. It was horrific to say the least. I would be very happy if I was far away and did not have to deal with this nasty up and down stuff. Even with my own life with my own interests this awful stuff filters into my life. Lies do nothing but destroy everything and everyone.
Other than fighting the usual BS I am doing ok.
And then the mania subsides and she is sweet and kind and my momma heart is ignorant and want to believe that it will be good like this from here on out but that is not the case. Even though she is toxic, rude, and a liar she does not affect me as deeply as my bipolar sister in law. When having contact with the sister in law, I get acid reflux, headaches, bleeding hemmoroids and depression, even when she calls and talks to my husband her brother. I am so allergic to her. And I am also allergic to my daughter but on a lesser level.
I think with my daughter, I know she loves me when she is not manic. With the sister in law she is alway hateful. I once said to my bipolar sister in law 'Don't you ever get tired of being so damn mean? then I said I bet it gives you immense please to harm someone. I really believe that some bipolar people are also sadistic and it is satisfying for them to harm someone. I think it maybe a sexual thing. I remember one time my sister in law was yelling and screaming and being demonic to me and when I looked at her face it was almost like she was having some sort of sexual pleasure. It was horrific to say the least. I would be very happy if I was far away and did not have to deal with this nasty up and down stuff. Even with my own life with my own interests this awful stuff filters into my life. Lies do nothing but destroy everything and everyone.
Other than fighting the usual BS I am doing ok.