Spelling Check


Active Member
difficult child told me today that he doesn't understand why he needs to know how to spell "nauseaus" because he was not going to be a doctor. I told him that sometimes doctors want us to keep track of our symptoms so he will need to be able to spell it. "No I won't. I just put it in the computer and when the squiggly line is under it, I right click and pick the right word."

Guess dictionaries are out? I am definetly not smarter than a 6th grader!



New Member
Great idea in theory. However, sometimes you get choices with spell check. It helps to know what word you need and to do that you need to know how to spell it. Plus, not everything is done on computers. Sometimes we really and truly have get out pen and paper and write by hand! (Yes, I know -- a truly ugly concept.) Sorry, Charlie. Learn how to spell.


Active Member
I don't have any right to talk- but I guess it will eventually get to the point of "because this is what the teacher said you needed to learn".


Well-Known Member
So...what happens when you're not sure which of the items in the little box is the right one to choose, because you don't know how to spell any of them.

Don't even get me started on homophones! Spell check will help you spell a word correctly. What it won't do is make sure you've chosen the right word (their, there, they're, for example)

Erm...eccentric spelling will catch up with him eventually. Good luck with this one Andy. This seems to be one of those lessons that they have to learn the hard way.



New Member
I don't have a really good answer for you but wnated to make you aware that the word is spelled "Nauseous". Would it help if you explained some of the spelling rules to him? I am a very good speller but my ds is not. He is only 8 1/2 but some of the rules are being taught to him and it seems like it helps a bit. It is how I remember being taught in school (back before the days of sight words-agg). Anyway, nauseous means having to do with nausea. So nausea is the base word and the -ous means having to do with.


Active Member
See, I can't spell!

difficult child is actually a good speller. It is just that a few words are impossible - like (scroll down to find out how Pooky spelled it) "nauseous". I thought is funny that he being 12 years old already knows about computer spell checks.

Thank you Pooky - I am going to teach him (and me) how to spell that word the way you explained it. But do we have to drop the "a"? That is my favorite letter. (Just kidding! LOL)

Is there spelling in 7th grade?

The way the world is going, no one is going to be able to spell anyway. Short cuts are encouraged in the kids's world of texting and note passing.
I am ashamed to admit that I have resorted to short cut messaging to easy child to save time. I try really hard not to.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
My easy child is the same way. She is an excellent speller but rather look up the word in a dictionary prefers to use the computer. I think the dictionary is used rarely these days but I still make my students use them!


Active Member
Andy, I wish I could get him to talk to a client of mine. This woman is in her fifties now, is in a wheelchair due to a degenerative condition she was born with. Because she was considered, as a child, to be "retarded" (as they called it then) they never bothered much with her at school. As she describes it, she was "left". To her own devices, I assume. She also was in and out of hospital with operations, getting fitted with calipers etc. and eventually her parents just didn't bother sending her back to school.

She wrote a book about her life - she married, had twins, her husband was abusive so eventually she left him, they are now back together (after being divorced) but on her terms.

I edited and published her book. It was a nightmare - but I wanted to help her. She can't spell for nuts, had no idea of punctuation, has problems with her hands so her typing is a bit hit and miss anyway. Her computer ability - it's all self-taught. EVERYTHING is self-taught.

The text she sent me was a mess. Plus, with her appalling spelling, she had put it through a Microsoft SPELL CORRECTOR first. So I couldn't even do a manual spell check and guess what she might have been trying to say - the computer had mangled it all. Using the spell correction software, it had replaced each word with the word it thought was closest. After it had done this with four or five different words in the same sentence, what was left made no sense.

So you should never count on using a computer's spell correction or spell checker to get you out of trouble. I had months and months of work just trying to decipher what she had written and turn it into understandable English! Lucky for me, the book wasn't too long, although what she sent me was about 30,000 words. A lot of it was also accidentally duplicated, so I was tidying up the same text over and over, until I realised.

Two lessons in this - first, learning to spell will always be of value, no matter what you think you will do with your life. And second, it doesn't matter how much other people put you down and tell you that you haven't got the ability for this or that, you can accomplish surprising things that you might never have thought possible. All you have to do is give it a go!

My friend's book has now gone into reprints. She's writing more to put into the book. The text she sends me now is much better spelled, much better punctuated - in general, she has improved immensely as a writer - remarkable for someone who was considered to be illiterate.


Marg's Man

I am a chemist, spelling is v-e-r-y important or you could get the wrong thing!
ethanal - a chemical similar to formaldehyde
ethanol - makes a pary swing (and our cars go greener, if not better)

I have an Ode to the Spell Checker, every word is correctly spelt in Australian English (but a US English spell checker would object to a few words).

Eye halve a spell chequer
It cam with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it too say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can putt the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong

Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew


Well, I have firefox and it underlines in red anything I've misspelled. neener neener I used to be a good speller. Since the cognitive stuff, not so much. (That is such an understatement.) It will underline the word and I'll look at it for the longest time trying to figure out how it's misspelled and finally give up and pick from the list.