Suouthest After-Irene Check-in...


Active Member
Yep (that's for kietsa's comment about having the baby in the vehicle)! He doesn't want to change diapers- says he has a weak stomach- has a separate bed in the baby's room for the wife to sleep in so "they won't disturb him" and mentioned that she won't be allowed to change a diaper with the baby on the bed. Geez.... I can only imagine how he reacted when the water broke at home. LOL!! He probably had the wife so stressed trying to get to the hospital in time that it delayed the progression of labor.

Fortunately, that baby is cute enough that there's a small glimmer of hope that she can soften him up a bit and get him out of some of his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and "his way or no way" thinking and the belief that he's always right. He had actually said that is wife "wouldn't be having a C section because they wouldn't choose that and we live in a nip-and-tuck society that they didn't believe in" and he made a couple of other comments like he thought people who had c-sections just went right into the hospital and said up-front that they wanted the c-section and pain medications to avoid going thru delivery. I guess he didn't understand that no doctor would probably allow that or perform one if it's the first baby and there's cause for concern, just because a woman said that, and further, almost every first-time mother wants to try to have her baby naturally. It's after you've gone thru labor once that you decide you'll take the c-section straight up front if there's a next time. LOL!


Active Member
OH, TM! He heard that comment made a few times last Thursday! I won't give her name on the board but it is a pretty name. He did something right on this one, that's for sure. I scurried around Friday before leaving town to get his/their gift bag prepared because most of the stuff was delivered Fri at lunch time, then I called him and he told me to leave it at the office and he'd swing by and pick it up later that day. I had a feeling that baby was coming real soon, and so did everyone else.


Active Member
This guy is such a nit-wit male- I know, I'm going on and on about it but several months ago he scheduled a vacation on the beach for them for August- when she'd be 8 1/2 mos pregnant, so "she could enjoy a little time with just the two of them before giving birth". Who the He!! wants to be 8 1/2 mos pregnant and in the sun on a beach in August? I just shook my head.


Well-Known Member
klmno, your boss is obviously an idiot! There might be a few doctors, the ones who cater to movie stars, who will do a c-section on request but most will not. I've had two and it's certainly not the easy way out! If my daughter hadn't been born by emergency c-section she would have either been stillborn or born severely impaired. And when she had her own baby, she was in labor for a very long time and was worn out before her doctor finally delivered my grandson by c-section. He had inherited his daddy's big head and he wasn't budging! And my daughter was disappointed that she had to have a c-section! They had taken all the classes, read all the books, were so well prepared. She certainly didn't ask for it, and as anyone who has ever recovered from one knows, it's major surgery, recovery takes a while, and it's NOT easy!


Active Member
Trust me- I know that. I, like most first-time expectant moms, wanted to give birth naturally and without medications too. But after inducing labor didn't result in any contractions until the I V was cranked up, then contractions only got difficult child's to the point of being visible, I had the epidural, then tried the pushing more then wwhen the dr told me difficult child and I both were starting to lose oxygen so I had to choose between him using forceps to try to pull difficult child out or a c-section, I opted for the c-section. Now, in my mind, if I'd gotten pregnant again, I would have gone into it saying "c-section", and that dr who delivered difficult child recommended that, too. So to me, that's the easy way out. But I do get that it's still not "easy" or pain-free or makes anyone any less of a woman.

But boss is like so many others I've had to deal with the past few years- from extended family to those in juvy court system, etc- they don't know these things and it's so obvious to others that they don't know, yet they won't listen to anyone then try to criticize others and tell them what to do and say others are not respectful or whatever when they won't listen to them. I'm hoping that all this wakes boss up a little to some things.

I was really concerned that boss is so hard-headed that his wife would have tried until she or the babby died to avoid his criticism if it got to a point where a c-section was the only feasible thing for her. Fortunately, they did give in and go with it before it caused harm to mother or child.


Well-Known Member
All my grands are C's. Mandy swears she is doing it all natural which think is hilarious since she has no problem indulging in any other drugs...lmao. Why stop at the epidural? I begged for the epidural!! I dont think she is going to last long before that epidural goes in though.


Active Member
LOL! Once they cranked up my IV and I had a few big contractions, I was begging them to go get that anesthesiologist back in that room- he'd just come in and I refused the epidural because I hadn't had all that pain yet so he headed down the hall to the next person. Live and learn, right?