***Survivor Finale TONIGHT***


(the future) MRS. GERE
Many thanks to CBS for making this a Mother's Day tradition. The preview on my tv says something about the show being about 5 contestants going down to 3 for the vote. They did this last time, too.

(kris- if you have read spoilers, please don't share them- I don't want to know! :cool:)

So who are you rooting for? I want Earl and Yao for at least 2 of the 3 spots. Maybe I'll root for Boo to be the third because he has been so unpopular...although Dreamz could sure use the $$$. I guess I don't care as long as Yao and Earl are there.

Remember, no posting the results until tomorrow! :angel:




(the future) MRS. GERE

No hints or groans allowed!


We'll talk tomorrow! :smile:



New Member
<span style='font-size: 11pt'> <span style='font-family: Georgia'> <span style="color: #000099"> thank heavens i dvr'd the whole thing because i fell asleep during the reunion portion but not until earl won the million.

i can't imagine why dreamz thought he'd get any one's vote after all the double crossing he did!!!...esp what he did to yau at the end! all that talk about being an example to his son. GHA! boo was clearly furious with-him.

earl was the only one of the three who deserved to be there. cassandra was a total coattail rider, dreamz lied to everyone. didn't even offer to return the truck.

i did understand why earl voted yau off. yau would have definitely won if he'd been final three. i don't like final three by the way. two was better.

the season ended up turning out great after it's awful start. who'd a thunk??

now onward & upward to my beloved BIG BROTHER in july!

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(the future) MRS. GERE
If Yao Man couldn't win, I loved that it was a unanimous vote for Earl. Very satisfying!

:bravo: :bravo: :bravo:



Former desparate mom
<span style='font-size: 11pt'>I still don't get why they didn't vote Cassandra off and let all three guys head forward. Really the strategy worked for Earl. Cassandra was really just a shoe in to NOT win the million.

Poor Dreamz. He is so out there that he doesn't see what he did. I think Yau said it right. Dreamz is bright but has no disciplined thought processes. He can't see the whole picture and react. He lives in the moment with no clue to consequences. Afterwards, he fast talks and backpedals to explain because he had no reason for any of his choices but to survive.

I know it felt bad for Earl to vote out Yau but it was the only way to go. He was the bad guy but he was there to win. He played a really good game and everyone admired him but for the last vote. I think he probably lived up to the show's premise of Surviving. </span>


No real answers to life..
I just hate the fact that the "nice guy finishes last" attitude prevailed. Yau was pretty straight forward for the whole game, as was Earl, in my opinion. I assume that Yau got some monetary amount for being in the final four, but thought he took Dreamz betrayal better than I would have. After being on the show and showing his true colors (or GFGness) would you hire Dreamz to work for you?

On the other hand, I am kind of surprised they are doing yet another season. I half heartedly watched this season and only thought the very end was interesting. Hated the "have" and "have not" concept, well now was it any wonder the "haves" won every challenge? On the other hand I think the challenges are becoming a bit farer with less strong swimming required and maybe a little more thinking used in the challenges.


Sheena-Warrior Momma
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kris</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> <span style='font-size: 11pt'> <span style='font-family: Georgia'> <span style="color: #000099">

now onward & upward to my beloved BIG BROTHER in july!

kris [/i] </span> </span> </span> </div></div>

AMEN Kris! I hated all stars BB but I am looking forward to this one!!!

Maybe Survivor will do another xtra million like they did with Rupert?? YAU all the way if they do!!


New Member
<span style='font-size: 11pt'> <span style='font-family: Georgia'> <span style="color: #000099"> actually i loved BB all stars. janelle is my favorite! i have my debit card at the ready for the live feeds. my whole pattern of life changes when BB is on. up late & sleeping in in the a.m. lol.

i was thinking about dreamz'a job prospect now too. no way would i hire him. you can not trust a word out of his mouth.

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(the future) MRS. GERE
Oh heck, they all lie on that show. Why should Dreamz be held to a higher standard than anyone else? (I stole that line from a poster on another website where they were talking about it---lol)

But really, it's true.

It completely stunk that Dreamz reneged on his promise but, other than Earl and Yao-Man, is there anyone else who didn't lie? I'm sure that Dreamz figured it was part of the "outwit" baloney they promote, his lie was just more blatant.

If you guys don't think Dreamz should be hired, wouldn't it also stand to reason that a prospective employer would have to keep that in mind after watching everyone else, too?



Well-Known Member
Well, the fact that he kept the car just sealed his fate on not getting that million. I think Yau was just a mature gracious man, but I think it stunk, regardless.

What was up with all the angry people on the jury?? Holy cow, it was almost as bad as the first season with Sue and the snake and leaving her to die of thirst. I was a little surprised that Jeff didn't interject and let Cassandra finish what she was saying, especially when Alex was being such an a--!

I'm glad Earl got the mill. I would have preferred Yau, but either of them were good people.

I think this was the first episode where there were three African Americans in the final three. I thought that was kinda neat.


New Member
<span style='font-size: 11pt'> <span style='font-family: Georgia'> <span style="color: #000099"> yes, everyone lies but i think even this show has lines you don't/can't cross....like when they searched you's bags for the idol. that deeply offended people. the fact that dreamz didn't even offer to return the truck was another line in the sand.

there are certainly other survivors i wouldn't hire besides dreamz. johnny fairplay springs right to the top of my mind.

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Active Member
I agree with kris. Everyone knows going in that not being totally honest and straightforward is part of the game. But agreeing to accept something as valuable as the truck and not giving it back or even offering when you don't keep your word is crossing a line that totally speaks of Dreamz inner character that is not part of the game. And not asking Dreamz for the truck and instead telling him to enjoy it and not feel guilty because it was partly his own fault speaks of Yau-man's inner character as well.

And yeah, what was with the total hostility by Lisi. I don't think any of the three of them did anything to her that was that bad. Boo was upset because Dreamz swore to God, and Boo is quite religious from what I've heard. I don't think it would have made him quite so angry if he hadn't brought God into it.


New Member
<span style='font-size: 11pt'> <span style='font-family: Georgia'> <span style="color: #000099"> i'd never picked up on boo being religious until he questioned dreamz, but he made it very clear how offended he was by what dreamz had done. i saw other jury members nodding in agreement.

lisi made no sense whatsoever, but then she never did lol.

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Well-Known Member
I think Lisi was just trying to point out that Dreamz is stupid. He's not really, just very uneducated. All she did is make people dislike her more. What she did was really uncalled for and had no bearing on the game, in my opinion