Talk to me about false positives...


Well-Known Member
Thank goodness his test came back clean, one hurdle passed. One day at a time, sometimes it's two steps forward and one back. Sounds like things are going well.


Crazy Cat Lady
Dextromethorphan is the cough suppressant on OTC cough medicines/Nyquil, etc. Taken in large enough quantities, it causes euphoria and in some cases, hallucinations.

It is scary because not only can the drug suppress breathing and cause psychotic breaks in susceptible people, but "cold and flu medicines" often contain acetaminophen as a pain killer. This drug is a liver toxin if not used carefully and according to dosing instructions.

Nyquil and it's equivalents also run 10% alcohol, so if you drink a bottle of it, you get buzzed from the DXM and the antihistamine plus you can damage your liver.

WI requires that one be 18 to purchase certain OTC medications. The cashier will card you if s/he suspects you are under-age.

As a side-note: canned air; the spray you use to clean dust off of electronics, is used for huffing. I was rather startled to get carded the last time I purchased some.

They're catching on, slowly, but not quickly enough.