The more I learn about Facebook


Well-Known Member
Oh my....Facebook. I'm hooked. I have five scrabble games going on right now with my Mom, Daughter, my sister, and aunt.

Then there's the Pillow Fight with a former collegue and currently Son's PE teacher. We've been tossing pillows at each other for eleven days now. She's played a lot and has tons of way cool pillows. Me? Same old pillows over and over....because I have win something like 90 kazillion games to earn the cool ones.

I've been "de" friended by a family member and a former colleague over the results of "What Cuss Word are you?" Of course, what am I?? The "f" word. I'm thinking it's a cute little quiz and I'll be "darn" or something. Nope, the "f" word in BIG BOLD LETTERS all over my "friends" pages. Apparently, my creepy uncle did not appreciate THAT WORD and withdrew his friendship. Not sure what the former colleague's problem was because I do believe she dropped a few "f" bombs while we worked together. All of this FB discord has been quite the hilarity to my Mother (also a FBer) who has now deemed me "f" girl. What a card, ole Mom.

Between Scrabble games another thing I like to do is post obsure status posts so that nobody will understand what I'm talking about.

My current picture is of me on my wedding day with a white facial mask (gotta look BEAUTIFUL, you know) and my hair in a towel in an old bathrobe.

So...wanna "friends" me??? ;):angel3::angel3:


Well-Known Member
klmno, in your profile, you can set what types of notifications you do and don't get. Also, individually, you can "hide" people by scrolling over their messages.


Active Member
Thanks! Now 1 more- on the privacy settings where I can control who can add me as a friend, I'm assuming if I set this to Everyone, that I still have opportunity to confirm a person who finds me thru a public search and they wouldn't be able to see info that only friends could see without me confirming me- is that correct? (Right now it is set to Friends of Friends)