The Shots Are Helping!!!!!


Roll With It
Thanks to all of you for praying for me, and thinking of me, and letting me whine on here. I want to let you know how today has gone.

yesterday I took HALF the dose of the Vit D shot. I didn't want to take it all because if it made me sick that could be really bad. I ended up being exhausted all day, slept all day and all night. Then I slept until about 1 today.

thank you woke me up to tell me that they were going to my parents' house for the afternoon and dinner. I stretched and realized, I felt PRETTY GOOD. Nothing hurt terribly!!

So I asked if they would wait a few minutes, got dressed and even put makeup on.

we went over, I even ran to the grocery for stuff for dinner! We visited until about 7:15, then got the kids ready to go home.

This is the FIRST time since CHRISTMAS I have felt this good, even at the END of a visit. Usually I am in excruciating pain! I will give myself the rest of the shot tomorrow and I bet I am up and cleaning the house in a week or so!

I just can't believe how good I feel. Nothing upset me, I wasn't ready to cry in pain (or hiding in the bathroom because I WAS crying from the pain) and my skin didn't look all grey at the end of the night - even AFTER I washed the makeup off.

I just cannot tell you how much your support has meant. Or how good I feel. I still have aches, and some things hurt, but it isn't nearly as bad as usual after a visit or trip out somewhere.

I will plan to get up, take Jess to the bus, rest some, and get a chore or two done tomorrow. Not overdo it, but start to ramp up my activities.

Thanks to all of you!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member

Wonderful news Susie!
So glad that your VitD shots are working and you're feeling so much better. I can "hear" the relief from pain in your post.




Active Member
That's really great news to hear. I think a slow start with the shots, for a few days, is probably best....don't shock the system. Give your body a chance to adjust.

My heart is doing jumping jacks for you!


Well-Known Member
That's wonderful, Susie! Woo hoo!
I hope you don't overdo it (I know I would) and that you ramp up slowly and keep it going. That is just the neatest news. :) :) :)