There goes my diet!!!


Well-Known Member
I received a gift certificate for an Italian bakery/deli in a local resort town. Yesterday my niece and I drove up to pick up supper.
I also bought some desserts.
Tonight I'm finishing my chocolate cheesecake with with-raspberries and cream topping, coated in chocolate. OMG!!!


Active Member
Well, if your diet had to go, at least it was justifiable. Next time you can always send those gift certificates my way - I will gladly sacrifice for you!

Meet you at the treadmill!



Mom? What's a difficult child?
As soon as I saw Italian Bakery I thought, MMMMM.... tiramisu... cannollis....
I gained weight just thinking about it!


No real answers to life..
Thanks for sharing the cyber calories......the only kind I can afford to partake of....... wiping my chin now, .......droooooooooooling..........