Things are gonna get irritable around glad you dont live here


New Member
Ug! just UG! I think it is time to takeTony for an evaluation. He must be suffering from dementia. Especially if he has forgotten how awful it is having Buck in the house. For you Janet may I suggest noise eliminating headphones and blinders so you can walk around and not hear or see the idiot Buck. -RM


Well-Known Member
Oh I have been thinking Tony is in the beginning of dementia for at least the last two years. Every time Jamie comes down I ask him to PLEASE look carefully at his father and tell me if he seems different to him than the last time he saw him because he doesnt see him every day. He should be able to tell if there are differences. Of course he just dismisses me. Tony could be drooling in a corner and Jamie would tell me it was because he was choosing to. Me on the other hand, they would tell the world I was crazy if I stubbed my toe and swore.

As to Buck, I am livid. I pretty much on purpose spent most of the day in my room except for going out early this morning when Tony got up to go to work. I filled up my cup then with soda and stayed on the internet for awhile and then went back to sleep. I got up later and watched some more of my daytime shows. I needed to go out eventually to get some stuff for dinner. I go out into the family room/kitchen area and there is Buck sitting in nothing but basketball shorts and he has done nothing all day but drink coffee. When I looked from him to my kitchen he started moaning about how he could barely sleep last night and he hurts...blah blah blah.

I said I didnt understand why he didnt sleep, he should have been tired. Tony certainly was. He had to move Buck after working all day then also get up and go to work that morning. I added in..oh yeah, you didnt work all day did you. He started in about being in pain and I just shot back...shut it...I dont wanna hear it because as far as Im concerned, you arent disabled until you have a written letter saying you are disabled. Wanna see mine? Then I walked out.


Well-Known Member
OH NO HE DIDN'T move back! Please, what is the matter with Tony? I hope he really does move away and isn't just stringing you all along saying things like he'll be moving to TN soon, bs! Soon will never come. He has roof over his head at your house.


Active Member
Janet, my friend, this is all just nutso. Insane. Not cool. BUCK? Again? Ugh. Argh. Grgphmphfhafragh (I can't type what I would say if I was allowed)

This stuff needs to stop for you. Tony may indeed choose to help Buck, that's his choice. That help need NOT come in the form of him dictating to YOU that the help involves YOU. WHich it does when Tony's "help" for Buck requires Buck under YOUR roof. It's Friday. I would state clearly, to both of them when they are both together: It is Friday now. Buck has until Sunday dinner time to sort himself out. Tony, you are obviously welcome to offer whatever help you want, so long as it does NOT obligate me because you have NO right to force YOUR help on another person, meaning ME. If at 6pm Sunday, Buck is still in this house with his belongings, I will call police and have him removed. There will be NO DISCUSSION. I do NOT choose to enable Buck. I will NOT discuss this with you Tony. We have discussed this over and over and it is time we agree to disagree and this discussion will never happen again because you Tony are my spouse and I will not allow the inability of another to get their life together to impact OUR life together. Feel free to speak privately among yourselves what Buck will do no later than Sunday evening. Do NOT discuss it in my presence. Do NOT attempt to bring this topic up again. Do NOT convince yourselves I'm blowing hot air. I assure you both that I am NOT. I will NOT be hearing a word more uttered in MY home on the topic. I will have phone in hand to call police at 6pm Sunday.

I would then leave the room and give them plenty of time to speak freely to each other, and I wouldn't bite at all if you overhear them upset with you. It matters not, and you can predict that you will be "the bad guy". Oh too bad so sad. At least you reclaim your home and life.

I would also make clear to Tony, if he attempts to bring the topic up despite your clarity that it will NOT be discussed, that you meant it and you are NOT discussing it nor listening to how he feels about it. He can privately own his feelings as you yourself are owning yours. If he does dare to threaten you with him going, say well feel free because it would your choice, not mine but nor can I stop you. And walk away.

It's time. Every single solitary day this continues, the message remains the same to them: Janet will make a fuss, but we can ignore her or continue to argue with her, whatever. But regardless, Buck will stay so lets just not worry about little old Janet.