Tigger's Schedule


Active Member
10:30-11:15am Academics
11:15-11:50am Lunch/Recess with 5th graders
11:50am-1:20pm Academics
1:20pm-1:50pm Gym/Art/Music with 4th graders
1:50pm-2:30pm Academics

Plus on Tuesdays he will get a 30-minute orchestra lesson during one of the academic times.

He is a 5th grader and all academics will be in the ED room. He has to do G/A/M with 4th graders due to his late start because the 5th graders have it earlier.

I'm very, very happy with this schedule!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Wow - that's awesome. School not beginning until 10:30, no longer than 45 minutes of aca at a time, that's a dream.

I think the only thing that would concern me is that that, in reality, it's only a little over two hours of aca. Can everything be covered in that small amount of time?



Active Member
I've been trying to teach Tigger his schedule so he is less nervous. He wants to take a class on "Wii" and is mad that we didn't sign him up for it LOL.