update on difficult child's boyfriend coming over for Valentine's Day dinner...


Well-Known Member
He texted difficult child and said his parents won't let him come over because he got in trouble at home. No real explanation at all. Sounds like a bigger difficult child than my difficult child!

Yea! Now we have a nice meal that difficult child helped prepare, the steps (depositplace for all of daughter's junk) are cleared off, and the house is presentable. Will be a nice Valentine's Day after all! Maybe I will pop open a glass of wine... KSM


Well-Known Member
Well, finally found out why he couldn't come over... he has a 6pm curfew from the "corrections" department for juveniles. I guess it goes back to the altercation a couple weeks ago that led to out of school suspension. It was during school time, but across the street from the school. Trying to figure out why he told difficult child he would come to dinner since he already knew about the curfew! I hope this curfew lasts for a LONG time. KSM


Well-Known Member
Round ONE went to you. Raise you fist and rejoice. Then...lol...rest up for round TWO. Hugs DDD