Update on difficult child's Status- Very Long


Well-Known Member
While Cory wasnt returning from Department of Juvenile Justice, we always had his therapeutic techs here with him constantly. That would bug you to no end though. They say he has to have someone 3 to 4 days a week, well, I would use that for transporting him to therapy and I would not take no for an answer. I have no clue why they dont have locked group homes either. The juvy one here is. At least at night I am sure it is.


Active Member
Seems stupid to me, too. It's apparent that when you learn the hx of this place and that they have just rec'd fed funding to deal with a re-entry problem for boys coming from Department of Juvenile Justice, when they've never done that before, that they are trying to apply a diversion program to a re-entry situation and they are really trying to model it after the adult re-entry program- which would explain why they think all this monitoring will help. An adult male coming from prison isn't going to have a parent or anyone to touch base with them on a daily basis, usually. And for a kid who's just starting to go out of control and they are trying to keep from being committed to Department of Juvenile Justice, this would make sense. And they tell you up-front that they are just now trying to get this in place and figure out how to tailor everything. They are just now trying to get off the ground. To me, I still think the best thing is to determine what factors contributed to the boy getting committed to Department of Juvenile Justice and tailor any plan and length of stay around that. If you have all that staff for 12-13 boys, you ought to be able to handle that. The sd can handle accommodating IEPs, right?

I have to be careful though- I sure don't want to be on record at this juvie court as 'having denied offered services'.


Wow, yes you might need an lawyer to get them to listen to you. BUT, if they acknowledge they are just getting this off the ground maybe they would be willing to listen. As long as they could save face because you could come at it from the point of 'the system needs to get off the ground' instead of them feeling threatened? (I might have my rose colored glasses on here.)

One thing I think they'll like. Your idea of shortening his stay.


Active Member
Just want you to know that I am following this, and you are in my thoughts. I wish I had wisdom. This is so out of my element, and complicated!
Kudos to you for navigating the hell out of their system and demanding that they live up to their end of the deal!!!!
Sending more strength your way.