UPDATED:::CATA Group- New thread!


Well-Known Member
Sigh I'm beginning to think that the meaning of "the justice system works" means that the mechanics occurred; indictment, trial, jury decision, sentence. Period.



Active Member
They never determined the cause of death for the Peterson case in California.

I just keeping saying "WHY"???

I mean really, I thought in the OJ case, the state didn't prove it. I believed Michael Jackson was entirely innocent of being a sexual perp on a child. But this one... are you kidding? Even if they couldn't find her guilty of 1st degree.....she was responsible for the child, the child was in her care, she lied about it, and they can't find her guilty of anything except lying??

Our society has reached a point that I can't mentally grasp anymore.


I'm totally baffled. The prosecutor said in the closing argument that aggravated child abuse leading to death (may not have said that here exactly right) was the same as 1st degree murder. Surely, there was enough evidence to say that child abuse was there and this lead to death.
No matter now.
I personally would not want her in my home...despite this verdict...we all know what is likely the truth and it is gruesome.
She threw her parents under the bus. She stole from the parents. Her parents seemed as near as I can figure it, to try to help her. It was all disturbing. The parents have been through the mill and back a million times. The girl is disrespectful, unremorseful, entitled and more. Nope, I personally would not want her in my home.


*insert long chain of expletives here*
How? Why? WTFH?
I give her a max of 5 years before someone kills her. Wouldn't be surprised if it's a member of her family, either. Radio stations here are playing Papa Roach's "Getting Away With Murder" and dedicating it to her.
*puts on shirt that has a phrase she can't type here because it fits to occasion*


Active Member
I don't think she's to be pitied. Whatever the truth is, she was up to it in her eyeballs at the MINIMUM that she hid the body of her own child, concealed the death entirely for so long, allowed searches for her child, lied to police etc. And thats the MINIMUM. HOWEVER, to me, the jury spoke based on evidence as opposed to gut instinct and based on the law. And for me, someone who is a stickler for the law being followed in our justice systems, that means I do believe she is entitled to walk out of their based on convictions for misdemeanors only that she will likely get time served for or at most very little further time. Was justice done? I don't think so, even IF it was how the defense described it. But thats moral justice in my mind, not justice of a court of law. I think the prosecution should have included other charges, including wrongful disposal of a body etc. Because in this situation, where she was found non guilty based on reasonable doubt/poor evidence, their hands were tied in the jury room. They would have had no problem convicting her on charges regarding the body disposal etc and she could be in prison longer based on that, although I don't know FL law or how long she might have gotten for that.
In the end, I hate to think of anyone ever getting away with such a crime as this if she indeed murdered her daughter as opposed to a drowning. At the same time, I feel the system is made up with protections to ensure innocent people aren't found guilty on public outrage as opposed to actual evidence. Sometimes that means people who commit crimes do not face conviction, and as human beings it will never sit right with the public if the circumstantial evidence leads people to assume guilt, even if the public got it right. But when evidence isn't there, it isn't there.
I can say I wish media would go back to the time when opinions weren't injected into everything, where people didn't trump themselves up for self publicity by pretending to be experts on issues we are all only armchair spectators in. Even innocent people nowadays have no chance in the court of public opinion when supposed journalists spout speculation as fact etc. (I'm not saying they are even wrong in their GUTS, but in FACTS? There is no doubt to me anyhow that the evidence was lacking from a forensic standpoint).

I've had reason in my own life to really have to think of the justice system and its good points and not so good points. The case of my fathers abuses for over 40 years now against young women that should put him in prison for the rest of his days may indeed go in HIS favor in spite of the long list of victims and as one myself, I know the truth, heck he confessed to it in writing. Yet there is no "evidence", it will be PURELY circumstantial and i've had to truly think about how I'll feel if he walks based on lack of evidence in spite of the case building against him and his confession (which surely a good lawyer can have thrown out in court). I've come to realize that justice is what it is in a court of law. And even if he walks, I can't say the justice system failed because in the end, if I was falsely accused i'd surely want a system that ensured public opinion didn't find my guilty in spite of ineffectual evidence.

Emotionally this CA case is a gut churner for very good reasons. I get why people are outraged and they want justice in the form of public opinion being they believe she's done horrible things. Yet as someone who refused to watch the media hype and the rumors or the rag mags or whatever, I couldn't have found her guilty on the EVIDENCE. And I guess that means to me I don't have a problem with her walking free. I DO hope she gets serious psychiatric help which unfortnately a court can't order her to do. I don't think she'll be some serial murderer or danger to society. I do think it would have been "Just" for her to serve time and probably a LONG time. But I can't find myself getting upset as I'm watching people on tv today, over her being released. The justice system did its job.

I don't blame the jurors for not speaking to the media. And I do tend to believe that they probably all will be shocked at what things the public was privy to that they were not allowed to know and probably they all aren't happy with the verdict but felt they had no choice. I hope the public leaves them alone.

I also hope the Anthony family and Casey stay out of each others lives. I will say, as the only thing that I know I disagree with many here about, I find him to come across as a snake in the grass and I think he's in this up to his eye balls too. I don't see what has so many others feeling for him about or having sympathy for him. I see a family in its entirety that was dysfunctional and I do believe that we will never know what that home was like to be raised in. But loving a grandchild doesn't negate the fact that someone could be a monster in other ways. I felt this way long before she ever accused him of abuses. I don't pity Casey, but nor do I pity either of her parents. I pity Caylee, and that's the extent that I can feel emotion about that family.

All in all, I respect the jurors did the right thing based on law and just hope that people are all left alone to live their lives.


Well-Known Member
Can you imagine living with the knowledge that you have caused, deliberately or not, the death of your own child? I do not think it is an enviable position to be in, I truly do not... The punishment of one's own mind and conscience can almost be worse than external punishment.
But it is understandable that people feel justice has not been served.


Active Member
The prosecutor said in the closing argument that aggravated child abuse leading to death (may not have said that here exactly right) was the same as 1st degree murder. Surely, there was enough evidence to say that child abuse was there and this lead to death.

That's what I thought too. And the option for 3rd degree felony murder or just child abuse alone was there, too.

No way I'd go pick my son up under these circumstances. Heck, he's 16 and in Department of Juvenile Justice for his second time for using a knife on me to rob me, for the second time, and both times it was me that called cops and had him arrested and of course, the "system" wanted to blame me for that instead of him and I'm currently debating if he'll EVER setfoot in a house I live in again and he never even actually caused any type of bodily harm to anyone, much less a child. And those ITRW want to blame me for not raising him better and "ME not holding him accountable causing this". Our society is not what I grew up believing it was. I'll stop before I cross inappropriate boundaries with my words.

There's speculation on tv that maybe the jurors just wanted to get something quick and get out of there- I don't know- that would obviously be an incompetent jury.

One day it will dawn on them, "just who then do you think is responsible for Caylee's death". Maybe she can be the mother of their grandchildren and they'll get the point.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I'd be willing to bet that her parents were just as surprised by the verdict as the rest of us were! I think they were fully expecting her to be found guilty and were just trying to save her from the death penalty. They're probably just stunned right now, never expected her to be released, and now she'll be getting out in two days ... so what do they do with her now? After everything that's happened, after trashing her whole family in that court room, can she just go back to her parents house like it never happened? I doubt it! She's an adult and legally they're not responsible for her but I doubt if they will be able to just throw her to the wolves either.


call 911........call 911
I posted in another post - about this that I believe the Anthony's will move. I think (if I may be so bold) that the plan for some time has been SAVE Casey because Caylee is gone. You can't do anything about death. It's final. Caylee as sad as it is, is gone, she's not coming back, no way, no how. I said this to Janet in private a month ago, and I'll say it here at the point of sounding harsh and very real - The Anthony's knew Caylee for two years. Two wonderful years to get to know and love a beautiful little girl. They have known Cayce for twenty six years. That is their flesh and blood. Their daughter. Right or wrong there is a bond there. YOU may not understand it, you may not agree with it, you may not be able to ever feel it. But in a family that has a need to survive at all costs? They just did. When you are standing OUTSIDE of a life and death struggle for your family it is VERY easy to say what you would or wouldn't do. It is very easy to be complacent and judgemental and KNOW without doubt what you will and won't do. But when you are put in a situation that says DEATH or EVERYTHING ELSE that can throw YOU and your morals under the bus? Everything else becomes very unimportant. YOU and I can say we'd know for sure, but I've been there. I can tell you I'd stand on my convictions, but if it came to bending for the life of my child? I won't make those convictions. Everything else? Absolutely. The life of my children? Except for my soul? I will only say I won't say until it happens. That's as honest as I can be.

As far as hating her? klmno - WHY? People get away with murder every day. Every day people get away with crimes, and they think they have won something by being so smart. Two schools of thought on that. For the people that HAVE a conscious: YOU NEVER really get away with anything when you cheat. Of course you cheat, you get away with the deed, and your own conscience nags at you over and over and over because you know that not only did you do wrong, (strike one) but (strike two) NOW you know you cheated and did wrong by not coming clean and (strike three) maybe someone else knows and (strike four) Eventually this stuff comes back to bite you so you worry and worry and if you are religious(strike five) GOD will make you attone for it. So it wasn't really worth trying to GET AWAY with it after all. ONE thing leads to so many - that had you just done one thing - and fessed up? It would be over - not five times the trouble. So you never really get away with anything - and there's YOU worring about HER getting away with something - LET IT GO. She got away with NOTHING. It's a matter of time. HER time - NOT yours do not waste it. Spend it doing something GOOD.

School of thought two - IF you have NO conscious----You cheat, you get away with it, and you move on. (strike one) PEOPLE loathe you, they eventually mark you as a liar, they will never trust you, you get a reputation, and as time goes on - people don't want to be around you or actually want to harm you or will harm you. (strike two) being religious I think GOD will make you attone for it. - and there's YOU worring about HER getting away with something - LET IT GO. She got away with NOTHING. It's a matter of time. HER time. -NOT yours do not waste it. Spend it doing something GOOD.

Caylee in a manner of speaking HAS justice already. She will never hurt again, she will never suffer any more, she may not have gotten earthly justice ----but if there is justice at all? It's knowing that a precious very innocent child was taken. Children never belong to us, they are loaned to us to raise, to love to teach. Then they're returned. However she got to heaven is anyones guess. For Caylee her eternity of happiness begun years ago. For Caycee she thinks her freedom is just beginning, and what she's going to find is a an eternity of reminders no matter where she goes to or moves. Her lies will follow her for eternity. One child went to heaven and one is about to begin living hell on earth because there are so many people that aren't capable of forgiveness. I think she'll have enough hatred without adding ours. We have enough problems to conted to with our own difficult children without borrowing from someone elses. And if we are true to our words here -aren't we always asking the outside world to understand our kids? If we're so quick to condemn Caycee for what she did - it kinda puts a bad light on all dysfunctional families in as much as no one has yet come forward and said "Counseling may have helped them had they gone years ago."

This really is an opportunity being missed ----to get funding for agencies out there trying to get help for mental illnesses - even though it was never established that there was mental illness - NO ONE can deny there is serious dysfunction in that entire family not? I could be wrong......it's just a guess. But I don't see this family abandoning each other....not after all this.


Active Member
I wonder since now that she has been found not guilty, will they investigate whose decomposed body it was that was in her trunk. I don't understand the no evidence issue. Daughter is found dead and your car is found to have had a dead body in it. I don't know I just don't understand. Ugh, sickening.


Well-Known Member
School of thought two - IF you have NO conscious----You cheat, you get away with it, and you move on. (strike one) PEOPLE loathe you, they eventually mark you as a liar, they will never trust you, you get a reputation, and as time goes on - people don't want to be around you or actually want to harm you or will harm you. (strike two) being religious I think GOD will make you attone for it. - and there's YOU worring about HER getting away with something - LET IT GO. She got away with NOTHING. It's a matter of time. HER time. -NOT yours do not waste it. Spend it doing something GOOD.

Star, I do believe, very deeply, that that is true.


Personally I felt the physical evidence did prove it, but many jurors base too much on personal testimony. Mom Dad and Bro? Pffft... their opinions and statements would be suspect to me from the start. Ditto eyewitnesses, I've seen them proven wrong by evidence too many times. Show me the evidence and everything it could mean - and I'd likely get booted from any possible jury for it, too.


Jody, I really think its a matter of the charges the prosecution went with...they couldn't prove what has to be proven to go with those charges. I highly doubt even the jurors think she is truly innocent...after all, they found her guilty of lying, lying, and lying some more. They just can't prove what happened, and they'd need to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that she intentionally murdered her daughter to stick her with the charges.

Was Caylee's death intentional or accidental? There's enough question to create reasonable doubt just in that one question right there.

And FWIW, Starbie? I agree. Despite the thousands of forums addressing this case, the reason I'd find the thought of her "finding us" creepy? Is cause she's a difficult child in every sense of the word...and we're not a group of lawyers talking about the case, or a group of doctors, or a group of social butterflies just chit-chatting. We're a group of mom's (and dad's) praying we aren't raising the next Casey. Guess in my mind its a little different. Maybe not.


Love me...Love me not
Too bad she wasn't charged with...

and I don't know what the legal terminology might be here...

but something along the lines of "Failed to protect her child".

Cause that's really the ONLY thing proved - That Casey Anthony was out partying when she should have been protecting that child.


I agree, DF.

It also makes me sad to think that future lawyers may use the dog and pony show tactic as a valid defense. Create enough chaos....


Well-Known Member
Malika, I think you may have some sort of different way of viewing things simply because you are from another country or maybe because you hold out for the underdog...not sure which. Or maybe its because your son is 4 and you havent had to deal with the justice system like some of the others of us have. Im not really sure but you really seem to see this whole thing through rose colored glasses.

Star...I know you think you are right and maybe you are but I just dont know. I am furious over this entire thing. I think justice has been bought in this case. I do not believe George had a daggone thing to do with any of it. None. I think it was all Cindy, Casey and the Defense if it was anyone. I fully believe the only reason the verdict was not guilty was two fold...one I think someone (s) were paid off and two...a couple of the jurors had upcoming plans and they didnt want to keep voting so they took the easy way out.

Also...why should she get off easy on the number of years for lying to the cops? She was arrested and convicted for 6 counts of check fraud and got 6 felonies so she should be serving time on those felonies which should be H felonies carrying up to 18 months each. Add on a year each for lying to the cops...that could be more time. So she could be in for at least 10 years. Why not give her that? She has been in for almost 3...have her serve another 7.


DF, I want to say that would fall under neglect charges, with a possibility of manslaughter, but I'm not certain.


Well-Known Member
Hi Janet. Surprised you think I am wearing rose-coloured glasses as I've stated what I sincerely believe - that the wrong moral verdict was reached today. And what I have said is really no different from things that others have said. Is the fact that I am not American troublesome to people?? I'm sure that cannot be the case! I may be from a different country but I can assure you that we share humanity :)
What surprises me about the verdict is the fact that Casey lied, as the jurors found. Why would they think she lied? This does seem to me a very strange failure to join up dots, as it were. Technically their decision is, I suppose, understandable but it does not stop it being surprising.
In the end, higher justice will be served and I do deeply believe that. At the same time, as I have said, I completely understand that people are angered that human, worldly justice has not been served.