Warrior MOM school crawl....anyone in???


New Member
Liahona gave me a thought! You know those zombie pub crawls that are going on (groups of folks get together and go from pub to pub dressed/acting as zombies).... I think we should have a warrior mom school crawl. We can fly from state to state, country to country...... Imagine all of us showing up to each school and program that is so clueless. We just ambush them and make them listen! We need costumes and everything...

just dreamming......


Shooting from the Hip
I'm in... If any one of us wins the lottery, we'll fly all over the place. We can start in the SW, across to SE, north a tad then across the middle of the country back to CA, north again, across the northern part of the country, north again and thru Canada. Then if there is any money left we'll hit Australia & NZ, the UK, France, and maybe the Middle East...


We could have tons of IEP meetings. The (bad or thoughtless) schools wouldn't know what hit them.


Sounds like a plan to me. However, since we're going as "walkers" this Halloween, mind if I dress up and wander in moaning "Braaaaaiiiiiiiins?" even if I already know they don't have 'em.


Well-Known Member
We have a wine walk this weekend...and I live close enough to the even that we can WALK to it...no driving involved...come join me!