We are getting the silent treatment.


Well-Known Member
I'd fork over the money (to the providers) with-o question. You do not want to walk the path of raising grandchildren. I know she is a bright young woman but if she has that covered you won't have to worry so much about her forgetting to take a pill or opting to skip a week because she is low on funds. Chances are it's another manipulation, sigh, but I'd sure go for it. DDD

scent of cedar

New Member
Waiting for family therapy calls to discuss matters of importance is a good thing.

Having said that? I would definitely pay for birth control. Something isn't right here, Kathy.

Has she been talking about wanting a child?

She had to know you would react as you have. And then, to say she will pay for the b.c. if you pay for doctor's appointment.... I can already hear "If only you'd paid for those b.c. pills Mom, I wouldn't be pregnant."

Something just sounds fishy. I would pay for b.c. That is still no guarantee she will take it. But you will know she has access.
