Well I just pulled my daughter out of her "Blue Ribbon" school


Well-Known Member
Buglover, this is slightly off-topic, but I had to share a funny story.
We had dinner with-some acqaintances from the select private school where easy child graduated, and which difficult child attended for a yr in 3rd gr. I knew very little about these people except that they were hardworking, attractive, lived in a fabulous house on the water, new cars, husband retired early because he was so successful, and were on the Board. Oh, and they had 3 girls at this same school.
Turns out that they lived on a boat for a cpl of yrs and while they traveled, the mom homeschooled the girls. Who were Practically Perfect in Every Way.
Okay, idiot that I am, all I could think of was people who homeschool their kids because they are such behavior problems, their sleep patterns are irregular, they're always trialing new medications, the kids can't function in a crowded environment, etc.
So I blurted out, "You homeschooled your kids? On purpose?"
D*G, if I could take that back. :kickme:


Terry I would have blurted out the same thing! We actually traveled to Europe once and so my son homeschooled for a month (our excuse to travel, they would not let him go to Europe for 3 weeks in the fall, which was the only time we could go). So we said fine we will homeschool and then if it doesn't work we will put him back in public school. Well we went to Europe (VERY educational, I wish every kid could do that) and then we got home and tried homeschooling. After 2 weeks we couldn't stand each other any more and he went to his regular school again. And that my "not difficult" kid!!!! He couldn't wait to just have to deal with teachers and not MOM!


Well-Known Member
LOL! Still, I think the trip to Europe was worth it. Our kids need to see way more than malls and cell phones. ;)