Hi, You know I have a restraining order barring difficult child from my house and easy child's school. I think I may remove it. He seems to be doing ok, he works, he is about to move ito an apt. with a friend from work. I know he is still a difficult child, but at the time- difficult child didn't have a job and didn't have the motivation to do right for himself. I have been heartbroken this entire time, however it was worse when he was here. Right now I feel like he has money to live, alot of his energy is spent at work so I am guessing he will not be so full of pent up energy and anger (hoping). I feel like we need to heal as a family. I can just try it out, and always get another one if I have to. Right? I'm on the fence, I thought I would see what you think. Thank you.-Alyssa