What does Asperger's look like?



What does Asperger's look like? I have read some stuff that sounds like my difficult child but the only "obsessive thinking" he has is playing with his friends, any friends, instead of ANYTHING else. Can someone give me more info? I'm digging for an answer to my difficult child's behavior and am grasping at straws.


There was another thread like this earlier today, don't have time to find it right now we're heading out to an animal thing in a minute.


New Member
you gotta truly get testing done for him to get a real diagnosis for that. my friends child has it and what i see is....... she's sensitive to light, has a very minimal menu of foods she'll eat, some sensory issues pertaining to clothes and textures, is reactive (explosive), hearing sensory issues, is very verbally articulate like talking to a grown woman at times. she also doesn't play with-other kids, misses social que's across the board, plays next to kids not with them. also alot of anxiety regarding various things weather, etc. yet "certain" things not across bored sort of anxiety. and academically is extremely capable.

hope that helps. go look it up on web it'll give you symptom list. good luck


Well-Known Member
What does Asperger's look like?

That's a very difficult question, because Autism Spectrum Disorder (Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) -- includes Asperger's, Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified, etc.) can manifest differently in different people. Asperger's often contains elements of Executive Dysfunction (problems managing information, sorting and sequencing, remembering all the steps in a task, organizing thoughts and actions, etc.), Sensory Integration issues (hyper-sensitive to light, noises, smells, textures, sounds -- or conversely, hypo-sensitive, or sometimes some of each), obsessive thinking, poor socialization, issues with eye contact...etc.

A good place to start might be http://www.childbrain.com/. There is a questionnaire that can help you assess whether your child is likely to have characteristics of Asperger's. It's not an official diagnostic tool, but it might give you some hints.

Truly, the best way to figure out what's going on with your child is to have a neuropsychologist evaluation done.



Thank you very much for the info. I will check out childbrain. That sounds like a good place to start. I have also looked at screening tools for Anxiety Disorder. That really seems to fit but it may also be a reaction to all the other stuff. I have an audiology appointment for him on Thursday to test for Auditory Processing Disorder. I had a neuropsychologist done by a "notable" that came highly recommended. He was the one that said in his report that the ADHD medications were not helping (he apparently thought difficult child should be different after the second dose of the day than he was after the first dose of the day). He found nothing clinically and said that I simply needed parenting classes. There was nothing wrong with my difficult child except bad parenting. difficult child's psychiatrists have said otherwise.

Again, thanks for the info.


New Member
wow, gotta love that. bad parenting cause of all bad kids LOL. than i'd be a mess right now...... ok more of a mess than I already am :)


Well-Known Member
My son is not an Aspie. He has high functioning autism. But they are similar. I will list a few symptoms most (not all) Aspergers/High-Functioning Autism (HFA) kids display.

1/GREAT rote memory skills
2/intense, focused interests, but not a lot of them. Often they border on obsessive and the child will talk of nothing but that interest and space out if somebody talks about anything else.
3/Social cluelessness (this one is almost universal)
4//Poor eye contact with strangers
5/Different behavior with peple the child is comfortable with and total freaked out, shy behavior with new people. On the other hand, some aspie kids are friendly without discriminating between those who know them and those who don't and they puzzle the other child who usually runs away.
6/Can have poor small or large motor skills (my son has trouble writing, although he's a good athlete)
7/Overly sensitive to loud noise, large crowds, touch, certain foods, certain material. My son overeats, but he will gag if he is given something that has an odd texture such as broccoli or cheesecake.
8/Worrying/anxiety (universal). They do not do well with change and need to be told about it in advance and eased into it. They get into trouble at school sometimes when they are ordered to stop doing one activity and that they MUST move onto another one. Some even hit or throw their desk. This is not ODD. This is Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). Fear of change.
9/Some appear to have a flat manner (mine does not however)
10. Some don't like to be hugged or touched (sensory issues).
Most appear most normal when they are in their home environment or somewhere they are comfortable. You may even think to yourself, "I imagined it." Then the whole cycle starts over again, especially in a new place or when somebody demands they change what they are doing right NOW and start doing something else (major trigger).
11/Some kids sound like a "Little Professor" when they speak. Mine does.

Hope this helped.


These all sound SO much like my difficult child. Thanks MM. Adding this info to that from Trinity and I have a very good idea.


HaoZi, that link takes me to Patti Brady's facebook page. It has nothing to do with Asperger's. Did you type it in wrong?


Thanks HaoZi. That was much better. Talk about another wealth of information. Very helpful.