What was your own worst teen angst? Teen:14-18?


God boobs sigh. I developed an A I'm 3rd grade and went to a B in 6th grade and a C in 7th. This awful little boy in 6th grade threw stuff down my shirt and made a comment on my cleavage which wasn't intentional and I cried all day and one of my less endowed class mates told me I was being a baby. Was awful


Well-Known Member
I got my boobs in 5th grade. Big ones! Same year I got my first period! Ugggh! I was always taller and chubbier than the other girls so I definitely stood out. Add curly, frizzy hair and acne to that and I was the poster child for awkward teen! lol


Well-Known Member
Sniffle sniffle.... still waiting for mine. :rofl:

Sue, I'd be happy to share, if only that were humanly possible.

husband jokes that it's a good thing I have large feet for such a little girl, otherwise gravity would have me falling flat on my face.