What's at the root of bipolar "boredom"?


New Member
hey there you go.

happy AND pain free.

sounds good to me.

except it doesn't work that way for me - OF COURSE.

the stuff just makes me vomit and/or itch and kind of pass out (as in morphine) without actually stopping the pain.

Demerol and Dilaudid are the pain medications that work for me when I really need that kind of relief.

If he was on steroids and pain killers I would hands down vote for the steroids being the main trigger for manic sx.

the things can cause psychosis in "normals".

(I had a psychiatrist tell me that he'd even had to hospitalize "another doctor" for steroid-induced psychosis. This was meant to make me feel better about the fact that I was in a steroid induced mixed rage with bouts of self-harm and suicidal plans and was just a leeeetle upset that NO ONE had thought to mention this possible side effect to me. The guy was totally oblivious to the implications of his statement. Don't you know all doctors are mentally stable all the time????? unlike us lowly patients)


This is a great thread and I plan to come back and read it all in depth. Thank you for this. Manster has this too.