What's everyone reading these days?


Well-Known Member
Fran and Jo, I think Augusten Burroughs is a provocative kind of man, anyway. Did you see the online video he made to promote his brother Jim's book, LOOK ME IN THE EYE? His brother is driving a tractor, and Augusten is asking him about Aspie stuff, and then he makes some dumb comment like, if you could make love to a computer or a machine, would't that be heaven for you?
It was funny ... but ... I'm assuming his brother thought it was funny or he wouldn't have allowed it to be used for mktng purposes.
I have heard that Augusten makes up stuff in his books, which really irritates me, because with-a dysfunctional family like that, why make up things? It's not like he had to make up anything.
I never actually bought RUNNING WITH SCISSORS ... just read other people's copies. Somehow, I didn't want him profiting ... but I was happy to pay for Jim's book.


Well-Known Member
Nomad, BLINK was a fun book. Great validation. I was glad my husband read it. :)
I have only read bits and pieces of ANGELA'S ASHES and need to read the whole thing.
Similar to the way I feel about Augusten Burrroughs, I have problems with-brothers Frank and Malachy ... I had to force myself to finish A MONK SWIMMING because I'd promised to read it for book club. I just found it hard to stomach the deliberately crude, evil way that Malachy manipulated and discarded people. He was suppose to be writing dark humor and I think I smiled once in the book, and was nauseated through most of it. He was not "the loveable little Malachy I read about in Angela's Ashes" as one reviewer put it, but a complete jerk. I disagree with-the same reviewer that "The book lovingly recounts McCourt's many (VERY MANY) drunken rampages" because there's nothing loving about it.
But at least the reviewer says that it was sickening.

Whew. Back to poetry ... :)


Active Member
Is it just me...I could not read Angela's Ashes. The book contained absolutely no punctuation, other than periods. I couldn't tell who was speaking to whom. It was very distracting for me. Perhaps it would be easier to listen to it on Audio.