With extreme caution, I say...


Its not over yet. My biggest concern lies in getting Wee a trained para instead of a parade of minimum wage high school grads. But I can't see this lawyer going to the effort he has in creating a workable IEP and then throwing it all out the window with a huge group of paras. Transitions are a problem, and he clearly agreed with us on that yesterday (and the school's FBA that says the same thing)...I can't see him now agreeing that 5 paras are a good idea for a kiddo with transition issues, and that was one of the first items on my list...

On that note, tho, Wee will only be in mainstream for a maximum of 45 minutes, outside of specials, lunch, and recess. So that has already knocked out 2 paras right there.

But, we haven't crossed that bridge yet. And its still probably my biggest concern at this point. I'm just going to do like I did this time, hope he's there to collaborate, and prep for if he's not.