Worst thanksgiving ever!


Well-Known Member
We have some very good news on the gun front...a neighbor has seen another neighbor with the gun!

Needless to say we live in the boonies but there are a group of hoodlums who would steal you blind. Cory is one of them but he isnt up to their level as of this moment. He is in the minor leagues right now and they are in the majors but they try to pin everything that happens on him...believe you me!

One of them is Corys age and the rest are a few years older...about 5 to 10 years older.

Anyway...one of the more normal neighbors came to us and said that they heard through the grapevine that the gun had been stolen and that they had seen B with a gun that they had never seen him with before...and they described it. Asked him Tonys gun had a cammo sling and a scope...yeppers! Well...B isnt the one we think came in the house, C is. C came to my house on tuesday as we were leaving so he knew we would all be gone. I think C stole it and then sold it to B for cash. Or has it stored with B for safe keeping since he knows we called the law.

Well...we arent exactly sure where B has the gun but all eyes are watching to find out exactly where it is and when that is known...he will be busted. And to think B's father is big in the church and uses that to get him out of everything he does!
Hi DJ, I think nominations are closed and we can definitely just declare that the worst Thanksgiving ever by acclamation.

Glad you've made progress on finding the stolen gun and on getting Tony to agree about locking up the other. Reading the first few posts made me afraid there could be an accident.

(by the way the guns thing is more rural vs. urban than southern vs. northern culture, in my opinion.)

I hope you all can find some sort of assistance to get Tony looked at for post stroke problems, which seems from your description and the others' comments like it must be the case.

Best wishes and I hope this week is better than last!