Wow, I can understand this. Gotta fly the coop sometime!


Well-Known Member
Im sitting here actually in terror thinking this could be my life in 10 years. While I dont do his laundry...Billy sure isnt showing signs of moving. Well...take that back, he says he is leaving when he gets his taxes this year but I wouldnt bet the farm. He seems to think we will be upset and have issues if he moves out...lmao. Hahaha ...roflmbo.


New Member
Janet, don't give up hope yet. My dad lived with his mamma until he got married at 32. Maybe you should start wife hunting for him?


Well-Known Member
Well he has a girlfriend who is in the army out in CO. She is in the process of divorcing her husband now. He and this girl new each other in HS but broke up back then. They met back up on FB when their class started the 10 year reunion stuff online. She was overseas in Iraq at the time but she still responded to the classes FB page. They started talking again and a romance She was already in the process of getting ready to divorce her husband (Mr. Nasty as Billy calls him) so Billy didnt break up a happy She did come out here to see Billy when she first got home from Iraq...and stayed with us! Something I never thought I would ever see. Could have knocked me over with a feather. She has two kids. I like her. She can have him. LOL.


Well-Known Member
Janet, does he pay you rent? Or pay for his groceries? Just wondering ...
Seems like his girlfriend will be the right thing to get him to move out.


New Member
when my oldest was leaving for Basic, someone asked my youngest if he was like his brother and knew what he wanted to do with his life. Youngest answered "yes, I'm going to be one of those people that live in their parent's basement and plays video games and calls talk shows all day". I told him I would change the locks!
He's living on his own, so all is good.


Well-Known Member
Skeeter that was Billy for the first lord knows how many years. My mom ruined him. I got him back the last half of his senior year because she was going to let him drop out and I refused to allow it but as soon as he graduated he went back home with her and there was nothing I could do about it. He graduated in 99 I think. We wanted him to stay here and work the summer with Tony to try and earn some money (plus work off some of his weight) but my mother said no grandchild of hers would work construction...but my other two could do it! Make sense of that one.

He spent from from June of 99 till April of 01 with my mom doing nothing but sitting at her house on the computer. She wouldnt take him to learn to drive, she wouldnt let him get a regular job, she wouldnt let him do anything. When I had to go get them because she got so bad with the alzheimers, he didnt know how to cook anything except microwave meals. He didnt know how to wash clothes, he didnt know much at all. Im not surprised though...she did the same to me. I literally thought there was a clean clothes fairy when I left home. I was taught to just throw my clothes on the floor of my closet and the dirty clothes would reappear clean in my drawers and on hangers. I did know a bit how to cook certain things because I watched her and during my teen years she turned into a recluse and refused to cook for my father and I so I cooked for us. Im sure not well but we ate. We also had a dishwasher so I learned to put dishes in there to wash but Billy didnt learn to do that. My mother cleaned the kitchen for him. Billy didnt grow up in the same house I did, my parents had divorced by then.

When Billy got here I had to teach him things I had been teaching my boys for years. How to wash clothes, how to cook, how to run a vacuum. He still cant do any of these things well. He can wash his own clothes pretty well. Cooking and cleaning are never going to be good. He can screw up a box of hamburger helper.

I really hope he moves out with this girlfriend but even if that doesnt work out, he needs to at least find some sort of small apartment or loft somewhere even if it means moving to a larger city where he can get a better job. He simply cannot stay here forever.