daughter has a very difficult to manage regulatory processing disorder (here's some background info http://www.conductdisorders.com/community/threads/first-post-desperate-for-support.44680/ )
She's been on increasing doses of Abilify for the past year. We know it's helpful because when things start getting worse and we increase her dose, things improve. But even at its best, Abilify still doesn't help enough. daughter will be 7 in February, and takes 7.5 ml per day (half at night and half in the morning).
I've always wanted to try to include an anti anxiety but her neurodev. pediatrician is resistant because it will make things even more difficult to assess- when there are side effects, is it her disorder, is it one medication or another medication?? I understand but I *have* to do more for my daughter. She is in so much pain. She has zero tolerance for not getting what she wants or any physical/emotional discomfort. It must feel to her like her world will literally end if she doesn't get the answer she's looking for. And you can imagine how often a 6.5 year old does not get what she wants or feels uncomfortable.
I'm wondering what experiences you've had with medications for regulation/anxiety. She has traits of bipolar, adhd, asperger's, oppositional-defiant disorder, severe anxiety, motor planning issues, and more. When she's regulated, she is delightful, insightful and extremely compassionate and smart.
Before Abilify, we tried antidepressants and anti convulsants.
Any thoughts or help you could offer would be much appreciated.
She's been on increasing doses of Abilify for the past year. We know it's helpful because when things start getting worse and we increase her dose, things improve. But even at its best, Abilify still doesn't help enough. daughter will be 7 in February, and takes 7.5 ml per day (half at night and half in the morning).
I've always wanted to try to include an anti anxiety but her neurodev. pediatrician is resistant because it will make things even more difficult to assess- when there are side effects, is it her disorder, is it one medication or another medication?? I understand but I *have* to do more for my daughter. She is in so much pain. She has zero tolerance for not getting what she wants or any physical/emotional discomfort. It must feel to her like her world will literally end if she doesn't get the answer she's looking for. And you can imagine how often a 6.5 year old does not get what she wants or feels uncomfortable.
I'm wondering what experiences you've had with medications for regulation/anxiety. She has traits of bipolar, adhd, asperger's, oppositional-defiant disorder, severe anxiety, motor planning issues, and more. When she's regulated, she is delightful, insightful and extremely compassionate and smart.
Before Abilify, we tried antidepressants and anti convulsants.
Any thoughts or help you could offer would be much appreciated.