Argh. difficult child is home again. And it's a Monday, of course


Well-Known Member
He's got a headache and nosebleed.
I've prepared sinus medications, a dehumidifier, apple slices, OJ ... and he's just lying there. I want to strangle him.
Most moms would want to cuddle their kids when they've got sinus issues, no?
Lessee ... this is his 15th day of missed school ... at least it's not in a row ...


Well-Known Member
Terry, it

Sonic missed way over ten days this year...all legitimate. Sinus infections with high fever and dizziness were the most common reason, but we also had vomiting and a couple evaluations. Before this year (he is a junior in high school), he rarely missed a day. Every time he gets sick this year I groan because I know we're over that magic ten day maximum.

Hoovers, no? :)


Roll With It
thank you has missed more than that - all after Christmas, all legit. It is frustrating isn't it?

I remember back in jr high and the first year of high school (10th gr here) I missed a LOT of Mondays. I would have severe migraines and always on Mon or Tues. They were because I would owrk so hard during the week and then on the weekend do such different things that when I went back to my routine I got a severe migraine. The doctor called them "let down migraines" meaning the stress of the weekend plans was over and my body just when "whew" and ended upwith a headache. It took me years to figure out how to avoid these.

Why not let difficult child stya where he is and you go find something interesting to do - like paint, or do a project you have been watning to do, or even watch a movie you have wanted to watch?He has what he needs, you cannot do much more for him.