Book: Driven to Distraction


Warrior Mom since 2007
Anyone read it? It is from 1995 so might be outdated - but there is a part in the book that says:

"There are also psychological tests that can provide additional evidence in making a diagnosis. Certain subtests of the WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children)- a standard test for children-may suggest ADD. Typically, the subscores for digit span, arithmetic, and coding are low in ADD. Additionally, there is often a wide split between what is called the verbal subscore and what is called the performance subscore."

Do you think this is still true? Do you think this is most often the case? I don't recall ever reading this before.

Do you think you could look at any intelligence test and expect to see a wide split between the verbal and performance subscores in people with ADHD?


That strikes me more like Asperger's or NonVerbal Learning Disorder (NVLD).


Warrior Mom since 2007
I just googled it to see if I could find more info and here is something interesting

Brumbach (1985) reported a significant association between depression and PIQ deficits (i.e. VIQ > PIQ) in children with learning difficulties. Although a latter study (Mokros et al, 1989) failed to replicate these results, such a deficit in PIQ has also been demonstrated in a population of adults with a diagnosis of depression (Sackein et al, 1992). A discrepancy towards verbal (VIQ > PIQ) has also been linked with Asperger's syndrome but not with other pervasive developmental disorders (Ehlers et al, 1997).

A link between discrepancies towards performance (i.e. VIQ < PIQ) and delinquency in children or dissocial personality disorder in adults has been demonstrated by several studies (Walsh et al, 1986; Walsh et al, 1987; Snow et al, 1997) although it has also been argued that a discrepancy in children in either direction is a useful predictor of the possibility of becoming delinquent in later life (Walsh, 1992).

Despite this apparent link between verbal-performance IQ discrepancy and conduct disorder, links with hyperactivity are less clear. Although hyperactivity in children has been associated with difficulties with both reading (Schachar et al, 1995; August et al, 1990) and motor co-ordination (Blonbis, 1999; Piek et al, 1999), no clear association has been demonstrated between hyperactivity and VIQ-PIQ discrepancies. A large epidemiological study of children on the Isle of Wight (Schachar et al, 1981) found that children who were pervasively hyperactive, (i.e. reported as hyperactive by both parents and teachers) had lower mean 'non-verbal' (analogous to performance) IQ than verbal IQ. No such discrepancy between non-verbal and verbal IQ was seen in children who were reported to be hyperactive in one setting only (school or home) or in 'non hyperactive' children.


The WISC has been completely revamped since that version of Driven to Distraction was written. There are now four index scores -- Perceptual Reasoning, Verbal Comprehension, Working Memory and Processing Speed -- instead of two subscores -- Verbal and Performance -- that make up the full-scale IQ score. In addition, the arithmetic subtest is no longer one of the tests that is used for WISC scoring. Furthermore, I don't believe the WISC should be used to suggest diagnoses because it is only one test of cognitive potential, and even it has its limitations.

Interestingly, my son's first diagnosis at age 9 was ADHD and anxiety, and he did have a spread between his Verbal and Performance IQ subscores. However, we now know his diagnosis was wrong. His current -- and I believe accurate -- diagnosis is mood disorder and mild Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). He does not have ADHD, although he is inattentive. And he does have deficits in working memory and processing speed.


Warrior Mom since 2007
Very interesting stuff and I knew you would have good info SW! My son's verbal score is 129 and performance is 130 - I was mostly curious if that theory worked across the various IQ tests. My son is also very strong in math. I just really need to push forward with getting a neuropsychologist evaluation. The current psychiatrist and therapist aren't helping one tiny bit. That's for another thread I guess. Thanks!