Central Auditory Processing Disorder - More Answers


The advocate helping us with difficult child's school recommended having testing done for Central Auditory Processing Disorder. The testing was done for free at the state school for the deaf.
The testing was done 2 weeks ago. It took about an hour. I got the report today, and we're adding this to wee difficult child's alphabet.
I haven't had a lot of time to read it all, but there are a lot of similarities between Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) and ADHD, etc. Its not so much that he's not paying attention as it is he's not able to process what he's hearing.
I will post more later as I am able to read and digest it.
Anyone else familiar with this?
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Love me...Love me not
Hi Shari--

Yes, my daughter has Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD). We were allowed to be present during the testing and I must say it was EYE-OPENING!

The audiologist presented her with a list of four words and asked her to repeat them back--and difficult child really struggled with the task. It looked like she was paying attention and understood everything, but the words she repeated back were sometimes only half-right and sometimes only guesses.

Also, when difficult child was given a story to read and asked to explain what she read, she had no trouble repeating back the story--HOWEVER when she had to listen to a story and explain it, she was hopelessly lost, again only guessing at what she had heard.

As a result of this testing, we learned to speak slowly and double-check that difficult child heard and understood what was being told to her by asking her to repeat back our instructions. We also asked all of her teachers to be sure and provide her with written instructions to accompany any lessons that were presented verbally.

This diagnosis could be a huge breakthrough for you and your family--I know it felt that way for us!

My son and daughter have processisng speed issues. Chunking info/breaking it down, berng patient, having realistic expectations helps a lot. Compassion


Oh pick me... pick me... This is one thing I do know alot about!! My DS was diagnosis with Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) (the C has been dropped) first in K and then in 3rd... he is now in 5th. So we have, been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, so to speak!

I have lots of information and resources, please let me know what you are looking for.

If you are new to the diagnosis, I would recommend the book When the Brain Can't Hear by Teri Bellis.

My DS did not qualify for an IEP but does have a 504 plan for classroom modifications. If and when you get to that point, let me know and I'll give you a copy of my draft 504.

The hardest thing about Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) is how it effects our kids as students. I feel I am in an everlasting battle with the school.

I could write a novel on Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) and my DS, so please just let me know how I can help.


Well-Known Member
My daughter has it and it does resemble ADHD. She has an IEP and gets help in school. She is doing much better with interventions.


Crazy Cat Lady
I've have some of the characteristics of this. I learn MUCH better from the written word than I do from the spoken word. I think this is because I get so muddled up trying to read facial expressions and body language that I can't sort out the actual imparted knowlege from that.

I have a serious math processing problem, to the point that I have trouble balancing my bank accounts.

With supports I managed to make my way through math, but none of it "stuck with me" after the actual classes and final exams.

I do believe that the sooner you get supports in place, the better things will be for all of you.


Well-Known Member
I now have auditory processing problems where I used to never have them. I cant repeat anything back with accuracy. For me, its a brain issue. Oh...guess that would be for any of us huh...lmao.


New Member
At 19, DS still has this problem (well, I didn't expect him to grow out of it) The most frustrating part is getting him to accept that HE needs to put things into place to cope with it. Suggestions - take a little notebook and write down the tasks that are being asked of him - to me it shows maturity. Well, he won't so he has to look dumb and ask again, or only do the task half as well, or not complete it at all.
However, you may have more luck.
Through the growing up years, the teachers would repeat teh question as many times as he wanted, or rephrase, or get him to repeat. No more than 1 or two tasks were ever asked of him at a time (and I still don't) or I write his jobs down so that he can mark them off.
I think some of these suggestions have already been made.
Now, faced with a 19 yo, I do tend to forget he can't cope with lots of tasks at once (remind myself he's not a woman who can multi task) then get frustrated at him for his best efforts.
Good luck with it