difficult child drama....really tired


....Hopeful Now
Please send good vibes or prayers my way. difficult child drama is at its height today and I think my PTSD is kicking in with just one phone call. I am at work but my mind is wandering what if this or that happens......I really am struggling today and cannot talk to anyone about how "I" feel.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sending you lots of calming, healing vibes, peaceful, serene thoughts, prayers that you can let go and just 'be'.................and lots of hugs too..............hang in there hopeless, just keep taking deep breaths, slow deep breaths and try to clear your mind, it's fear, "false evidence appearing real."..........think of things you're grateful for, that always helps me to shift that energy...........

scent of cedar

New Member
God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the Courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the difference.

This has become my mantra when things start popping with difficult child. As Recovering said (my goodness, I became calmer just reading her post!) envision calm, envision serene. Imagine the moon, reflected in a still pond. Then, envision a storm whirling in, disrupting the water. Now, look at the moon, again. Only the water changed. The moon is the same. Serene, still, calm, cool....
