Does This Make Me A Bad Mother?


Active Member
We have a minor league baseball team here. The boys have both gone to games at one time or another, but I don't think that they've ever gone to one together. Yesterday morning husband called from work and said that he was able to get tickets for all four of us for the luxury box from someone at his office. Did I think it was a good idea to go? We decided to go, because we knew both of them would want to go, but I was secretly hoping that difficult child would choose not to go. Is that really bad? Everything is just so much easier when he's not there.


New Member
This does not make you a bad person at all! I think many of us feel that way quite often when difficult child is involved. I know I do! Many times when difficult child "threatens" to not go to what the family is doing, I secretly hope he does choose to stay home. Now that he is old enough to stay home awhile alone, that threat does not change our plans. Like you said, without difficult child around, things are much smoother, quieter and less stressful. So sad but true!
Did you go to the game yet? Did difficult child go?


Well-Known Member
No! I never ask Sonic to go with us to see Jumper play sports because he has the attention span of an ant for sports and starts complaining, "Is it almost done?" "I'm hot." "The bugs are biting me." Jumper understands. And Sonic doesn't feel bad not being invited any He used to try to get out of it anyway. Now, of course, he is always welcome to show up if he wants to, but we always hope he chooses not to and so far we haven't been

Doesn't mean you don't love your difficult child :)


Active Member
Did you go to the game yet? Did difficult child go?

Yes, he went. He was okay while we were there, but once as the game wore on he started getting tired and complaining that he wanted to go home. We left after the 7th inning, which wasn't too bad. He enjoys baseball, so he was happy to go, but he gets tired because he sets his alarm for so early in the morning. That's a different story for a different post.

On the plus side, easy child got a foul ball! He was so excited. And he got to have his picture taken with the team mascot, so he came home a pretty happy boy.