Evaluation with an audiologist



When Wynter had the neuropsychologist evaluation, she recommended an evaluation with an audiologist for possible CAD. Her former SD wouldn't do it and I was really, really sick (this was just a few months before the heart attack) and I didn't have the money for it, nor the fight in me to battle the SD. Since then - and I really regret this - a lot of things with Wynter have just been dealt with very piecemeal because of my ongoing health problems. So, now that I have my feelings of guilt out of the way.....

I've really been noticing lately that I have to repeat myself *a lot* to Wynter. She doesn't have trouble hearing me, she has trouble understanding what I'm saying. By the third time I repeat something, I say it much slower and then she understands. I don't think I've really noticed that before, although about 4 years before the heart attack are really fuzzy for me. Anyway, she pointed out tonight that exact thing. That she hears it, but it's like it's in one ear and out the other, but when I say it slower she gets it.

So...when we reconvene the IEP meeting, I'm going to request an evaluation with an audiologist. If there is some kind of auditory processing disorder it is definitely going to have an impact on her ability to learn. Plus, with the NonVerbal Learning Disorder (NVLD) characteristics, it's kind of like a double whammy. What kind of issues should I be aware of with the SD in that regard? If they shoot it down, what is my recourse?


What kind of issues should I be aware of with the SD in that regard?

#1 - most educators don't have a clue about Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD), and don't want to recognize the adverse educational impact therefrom

#2 - don't be surprised that they'll want to "evaluate" with-a "Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) screen." You're answer is "'no." Then they'll probably suggest the sd Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) evaluate with-a "battery." You're answer is "no." Then be prepared for the possibility of their suggestion for a hearing test with-an audiologist. You're answer is "no."

#3 - send your letter via CM requesting a Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) evaluation by a qualified audiologist with a subspecialty in Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD).

$4 - not just any audiologist will do. Get on the phone and locate them in your community; get recommendations from other parents if possible. This evaluation will be an independent evaluation, e.g., private, therefore you'll want to know who's qualified to perform the evaluation beforehand. If the sd want to require you to use "their" evaluator know that you don't have to. Sds MAY NOT require parents to use their "private" evaluators, although they are required to be in a position to tender recommendations if a parent requests it. (in my opinion it's hard to get an independent evaluation from a source the sd has under contract.)

#5 - I've never known a sd to have the specialty equipment required to do an appropriate, and they won't bat an eye when they tell you their staff can do it. If they insist that they evaluate, and they have the legal right to do so or can refuse you IE request, give your permission for the evaluation, then, if you do not again.

Seems like I'm forgetting something, but I've got to get difficult child to school.
There's a lot of Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)/Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) info in the archives.

Check back with-you later.


Clinging onto my sanity
I had my Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) 14 yr old difficult child evaluated by an audiologist when she was 9 (they say the test is not effective prior to that age) We actually had to pay privately as the school wouldn't do it (I've learned much more on how to get them to do things over the years)
She was tested by a speach therapist first and then the audiologist.
All I can tell you is what I see the most with her:
The information goes in, but is incredibly difficlut to retriveve
I have to repeat things a hundred times before she "gets it"
She would lose her head if it weren't attached to her body - she loses and forgets everything!
She needs info/directions in short chunks - too much at once overwhelms her and she cannot "remember"
There are many different aspects to this disorder and not all kids have the same symptoms. For her it is kind of like short term memory loss, great difficulties with organization, and many times is too overwhelmed when presented with a lot of info at once. It sounds to me like the audiologist is the way to go.

All I can say is that it has been and will continue to be a hard road for us. Her inteligence tests keep saying she is within normal ranges - but the Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) changes all of that and no one seems to want to recognize it. Have your child tested - learn more about the disorder and become the best advocate you can be for your difficult child.
God luck - and you are not alone!!!


Active Member
I was told age 7 by the audiologist but they did my kiddo at 5 because he was reading extremely well. The tests aren't normed prior to age 7 but if the child reads well enough to perform the tests then they can extrapolate results, look for trends, etc.

Sheila, when it comes to these sorts of evaluations that the school doesn't have the equipment and/or staff for, exactly what can they be held legally responsible in providing outside evaluations for? Anything that relates to learning? Anything that's not "medical"?
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Sheila, when it comes to these sorts of evaluations that the school doesn't have the equipment and/or staff for, exactly what can they be held legally responsible in providing outside evaluations for? Anything that relates to learning? Anything that's not "medical"?
Everything diagnostic wise. For example: If a medical physician is required, the sd is responsible for the evaluation. Any resulting treatment that requires a physician is at parent expense.

In evaluating each child with a disability under §§300.531-300.536, the evaluation is sufficiently comprehensive to identify all of the child's special education and related services needs, whether or not commonly linked to the disability category in which the child has been classified. The child is assessed in all areas related to the suspected disability, including, if appropriate, health, vision, hearing, social and emotional status, general intelligence, academic performance, communicative status, and motor abilities.
emphasis added


Thanks for the info, Sheila.

Next question: They have set to reconvene the IEP meeting on Nov 18. Should I hold off on that until they have received the request and have accepted/refused to have the audiologist evaluation for Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)? Also, I contacted MR/daughter and will be having an eligibility consultant coming out to see if we can get any services, if she is found to qualify, or at least to be guided in the right direction for an Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) evaluation to see if she qualifies for services. If she does, that would also get services for school - educational aides, etc.

The IEP as it stands doesn't pertain to my daughter at all. It appears to be a very generic IEP that they just type up and send out and parents blindly sign it. I'm leaning toward having the meeting on Nov 18 and then reconvening again after we have more info. Good idea, bad idea, or doesn't matter?

It wouldn't be an issue, except that I'm really, really sick and can't keep up with all the meetings, etc. I'm trying to make it as easy as possible on me, but at the same time I'm not at all comfortable with the way things stand in the IEP.


Are you reconvening a meeting or is this a new IEP meeting? If a former meeting is being reconvened, why was it reconvened to begin with?