Good thoughts for Duckie, please!


Well-Known Member
Duckie came home from her show last night complaining of a tummy ache and was in and out of the bathroom until 2AM. I let her stay home today (she doesn't know that yet as she's still asleep) but she has a show tonight and two tomorrow. Tonight & tomorrow evening are her big nights to perform. We need some good thoughts to get her through. Help, please!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Here's hoping it is just nerves. You've got my best thoughts plus crossed fingers that the next couple of days are great. I was in a theater group when I was thirteen. The performances went well. Nobody knew that I had "the trots" for the entire production run....except my parents. I'm sure she'll do a smashing job. DDD


"Germs, germs, stay away. Come again another day." Hopefully it is just nerves. Pretzeling, praying, and rattling.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if she can handle ginger or not... but consider trying some "traveller's candy" - come under various names, usually available in health food stores, and always contain real ginger. Some are stronger than others. Good for straight nausea (various causes... motion sickness, morning sickness, nerves...) - as well as migraines.


New Member
I'm glad she made it through the show. Sorry she's still feeling icky. Will it make you guys feel better that my Bff's son stayed home with an icky tummy today, too? They are also in NY.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Keista. I think the tummy troubles came from a head cold with some very post nasal drip. It'll clear up as her sinusues clear up.


Well-Known Member
So glad to read that she was able to perform...and well. Fingers crossed that she continues to follow up on "the show must go on". What a trouper. DDD


Well-Known Member
She really has done a great job. There was even some significant drama with a stage mom that made her cry last Saturday.... I told her to go out there and show that woman by doing a great job. And she did! Two more shows today... then we rest, lol!

Thanks for the support, I really appreciate it. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. :)

I have to tell you, she's the little difficult child that could. She ended up having an allergic reaction at the end of the first act, breaking out in a huge welt on her cheek where her mic was taped. The production manager removed the tape, cleaned the area and ran to get me because Duckie was nervous about taking Benadryl without me there to know how much and when. So I dosed her (& had the room mother double the dose before the closing scene) but this kid not only finished the show but also sang her solo and did her dance numbers. And did it well!


I'm very proud of her.

So now we watch her. I'll call the doctor in the morning to get his directions and we'll end up scheduling for latex allergy testing. :(