How to respond to an obsessive-behavior request?


Active Member
Glad you're making progress, even if you got blown off by the paed.

And for husband - would he lurk or post here? Other men do, it does seem to help. Certainly helped me and my husband. But if not - so be it. We do what we can.

Good luck tonight.

And yes, a growth spurt can mean a need to increase the dose to get the same effect.



New Member
A couple of good books, How to Talk so Your Child Will Listen and Raising a Spirited child. They don't address the escalations we face but they are really solid communication tools. Actually I used the tactics on my ex-husband more than the kids! lol I also attended a parents training program for kids with Conduct Disorders, I was alone but there were many couples there and I could see that it was really good for thier relationships. To hear their struggles being voiced by others seemed really relieving, especially by the fathers. I also saw many of the couples express appreciation for each other that seemed to surprise them. For me as a single parent it was just good to talk about stuff without fear that they would judge my kid. I got some good tools from the sessions.