Is anyone watching PsychWeek on Discovery Helath?


Well-Known Member
I've watched "The Woman with 15 Personalities" and am now watching "Born Schizophrenic: January's Story." Wow. Powerful stuff. January is the little girl that was on 20/20 not too long ago.


New Member
I saw some of January's story but missed most of it. I hope they show it again. It looked really interesting.


Active Member
I have been trying to watch it. I saw enraged, anxious, the woman with 15 personalities and part of January's story. Hoping that husband will remember to record the them tonight.


Well-Known Member
Boy, talk about Warrior Parents! That little girl is unbelievably lucky to have two parents who are in sync and dedicating to advocacy. Truthfully it made me realize that my early years withGFGmom were not "the worst" and that I probably would have had to send a child that needy to a residential setting. Something I surely would have tried to avoid at all costs. I do wonder how the parents have been able to share parenting so avidly and yet support their family.DDD


Active Member
I haven't seen it but it sounds very interesting. I'm glad to see there is a growing exposure to Mental Health issues. Thanks to bringing this to my attention!