It all started with the donkeys...


call 911
OH KT how awful! There they were standing by the road having a little donkey pre-Memorial Day celebration and outta no where, wham! Instant angels.

-yea see? no jokes about donkey pieces. I'm really glad no person was hurt badly.

Thanks for the update~ i think!


Spork Queen sad. As I've said, we have wild arses here, as well as horses. For those those you who are familiar with this area, Red Rock Canyon is a highlight for these lovely animals.

The horses are the worst hit. People drive SO fast. These guys are just lazing around, enjoying life and then...blam. When I first moved here 6 hears ago I believe there were about 60 of the horses. That's a sad statement in itself, but I think they are down to about 12 now. They don't know what a highway is...they just cross to get a few blades of grass.

I just wish people would just SLOW DOWN.



Mom? What's a difficult child?
Poor little things... I toasted them tonight.
Our Moose get taken out a lot on the side of the road... :(