Me too...crying, can't walk.


call 911

The prednisone is the steroid for the swelling, the cream is the topical I told you about it will help take the fire out of your skin. In the mean time I would HIGHLY suggest laying around nude or next to nude as much as possible or ONLY wearing real 100% cotton clothing as much as possible. If you can do it lay on sheets with only a sheet on top. You are going to get chills, and hot on and off - Pretty normal while your skin heals. Make sure to keep hydrated, HYDRATED, hydrated. Pedialite makes a popsicle - and Dollar GENERAL sells their own brand that you can buy and Freeze into popsicles. Drink PLENTY of fluids but for the first few days = if you can stomach it? 1/2 that gatorade - the reason you 1/2 it - is because you aren't sweating or working out to expell any of it - so you have to 1/2 it - otherwise it becomes taxing on your kidneys. And water. Lots of water.

I'm glad you didn't wait. This will take a while to feel better. You've literally burned your skin - and FWIW - You really should AVOID the sun for about 5 years now. Not kidding - ask any dermatologist. Stay covered, under cover - light jacket or long sleve shirt - hat, and after you do heal? THe HIGHEST RATED - for INFANTS sunscreen EVEN WHEN YOU ARE IN A VEHICLE on hands, arms and face - for the next few years - they have it in spray and if I were you ? I'd buy it. But wait until you are totally healed before you put on anything.

With that in mind - When you are able to bathe etc? ONLY Ivory or Dove for sensitive skin. You are going to have a complete new layer of dermis - like baby skin - TREAT IT AS SUCH. Nothing at all with alcohol or perfumes. It will get red and irritated. For a while change out your shampoo to Johnsons baby shampoo - nothing at ALL with sulfates. If you have WEN (I think thats you) I believe it would be okay. No surfactants or alcolhol. And your laundry soap - CHANGE UP to ivory or dreft or TIDE FREE - NO perfumes. Even your deodorant shouldn't have perfumes.

Hope you feel better soon. Just stay HYDRATED. STAY OUT OF THE SUN AT ALL COSTS. And avoid strenuous work where you will sweat. It will burn your skin.

Hugs - Sorry this happened hon - hope you feel better.


Roll With It
I am glad you saw the doctor. The burn jel plus may still help. It depends on how often you put the rx cream on. I would go ahead and get the burn jel plus anyway because for a LONG time your skin will be super sensitive. Star is right about soaps, shampoo, laundry detergent, etc... I would highly recommend you get some cetaphil cleanser (or teh generic version from walgreens/walmart). You will be able to put it on dry skin when you can stand a shower and then just rinse off very fast. Also get some of the everything free baby wipes to spot clean witha nd to use as napkins from whatever you are able to eat.

Be super gentle on your stomach. Anything hard to digest will upset it. Be sure to try to get enough protein. My mom always swore by baby beef in the jars. Just meat - the kind not mixed iwth anything else. I never could stand it. Get some chicken broth with no msg/low sodium. It will help - jusst get it warm and sip on it. Or diluted gatorade.

Star is 1000% right about the sun. You MUST avoid it for about 5 YEARS as much as you can. At least for 1 year, and as close to 5 as you can get is best. I don't mean just wearing sunscreen all the time. I mean stay OUT of the sun. Do anything you must do outside after dark. If you need to invest in some shop lights with stands so your yard can get mowed, it isn't a bad idea. I wish I were kidding or didn't know this stuff.

Years ago my kids got severe sunburns while in my gfgbro's care. They were at my parents on the first day of a vacation with gma and gpa with-o mom and dad. This is why they did not get swim lessons as kids. By the time Wiz was ready to try and Jess was old enough, they had this awful burn. It was bad enough the doctor almost called CPS until she realized it was not a parent who inflicted it! We had to see a pediatrician dermatologist after they were home and somewhat healed because the blisters got infected. They spent YEARS not being allowed to play outside at ALL. No sports, no teams, no running around, no swimming until after dark. After the years inside their risk of skin cancer went back closer to normal, but if we had let them go and play outside even the next year? The risk of skin cancer would be HUGE.

Be very gentle with yourself. You will feel like you have an infection - sleepy, yucky, sick feeling for a while.

For laundry, you may actually want to try using baby laundry stuff or even mix up 1 c borax, 1 c washing soda (in the laundry area at walmart Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda) and half a bar of dove sensitive skin soap ground up in a food processor or blender or grated on a cheese grater. Use 2 T in a reg washer. It is the gentlest cleaner for laundry I have ever used.

If the cream or burn jel plus doesn't help enough, try a bath in tepid water with baking soda. Or put some regular brewed tea (like lipton) into the water. The tannic acid in the tea will help the burn. You can also try an oatmeal bath. You can buy the expensive Aveeno packets or you can fill an old sock or the foot of a pair of hose with a couple of generous handfuls of oatmeal (about 1/2 - 1 cup), tie it closed and put it in the water. Squish it around a few times and leave it in as teh water fills the tub and as you soak for 15 min. It is awesome on sore skin. Use either old fashioned or quick cooking oats from the canister and NOT from the packets of instant! Unless you have the plain, unsweetened flavor, then you can use the instant packets.

(((((gentle air hugs))))) You have ALL my sympathy because I have been there done that several times. For the next few months esp you will feel yucky if you over do it doing anything, esp outside in any sunlight. So take it very easy for as long as it takes.


call 911
Burns no matter what they are from? Very painful - your skin has boatloads of nerves in it.

I hope you are feeling better today UP ALL NIGHT! Ice packs tomorrow if you have to work too - for sitting. The sides of your thighs are going to hurt. The ice may give you some comfort. And you're going to want to wear a LOOSE skirt - no pants. No bra, maybe an undershirt - and a loose fitting Tshirt. and just socks on your feet.....for most of the day - cotton socks.
