medication question - emergency PRN's.


I know some of you with difficult child's with extreme anxiety and a tendency to get physical have emergency prn's.

We normally use the clonodine or tenex that *usually* knocks our difficult child out, but it doesn't always work.

I am looking at taking difficult child on a trip with me (to see the baby). He is doing really well right now, but I need an ace in the hole for the plane trip, etc.

What do you use for emergency prn's when you absolutely have to?


Shooting from the Hip
I'm interested here too... In our case seroquel only works on me! But I do know that benadryl knocks out difficult child 2. He's almost 100 lbs so...?


Both Zyprexa and Risperdal have an oral-disintegrating tablet that takes effect quickly. Klonopin did nothing for either my son or younger daughter. But every kid is different.


Step, easy child 1 is allergic to benadryl. It has no effect on me or wee difficult child. We tried that one. LOL

Janet, I am hoping she will. The clonodine and tenex knock him out if he's not manic. If he's manic, they don't even slow him down, even at 8 times the dose that usually knocks him out, so I just need an ace in the hole in the unlikely event hysteria happens in the airport or air.

And we won't make a decision on him going until the absolute last minute. (he doesn't know yet that its a possibility) But we are working that direction. And I will be traveling alone with him.

We have the Risperdal melting tabs, we are allowed one of those per day PRN, which will calm aggression, but they don't help a manic episode and certainly don't knock him out.


Roll With It
We used atarax and/or xanax when jessie had panic attacks. The atarax is an antihistamine so be sure you are not using another allergy medication with it unless the doctor ok's it.

Xanax worked best. Fast onset, wore off a bit after the panic attack left, and was easy to get her to take.

We were never blessed enough to get a prn medication for Wiz.