Mini Vent....Hickies....Yuk!


Well-Known Member
WTH! There has been a change of girlfriend's lately and I was hopeful that it was for the best..........this one works for a major store as an asst. mgr. which sounded "solid" and "mature" to me. Yikes! This mid 20's "woman" left HUGE hickies on easy child/difficult child. I have NO idea how to heck he is suppose to cover his neck. This was one of the tricks from the last girlfriend. Geez, it's like branding a blankin cow.

Yeppers! This is a pet peave of mine. I can't believe he went straight from a hicky-giving 18 year old to a bigger hickey-giving 24 year old. I want to SCREAM. DDD

PS: Yes, I know it isn't the end of the world but this is a VENT!!


Well-Known Member
Vent away. Ewwwww......Yuck.....tacky!

True story--my older sister (she is now a minister) was dating a guy (she later married and divorced him) in high school. She broke up with him and he decided that if he couldn't have her no one else would want her. He put a large hickey on her neck. She came home, woke up the next morning, and told momma. Momma quickly went to work on the sewing matching and whipped up matching scarves for each of her outfits so that Pop would not find out. We still laugh about it to this day.


New Member
Yup, I hate the brandings. I had one guy give me one hickey. Never saw him again. I hated it. My daughter came home with one once. I asked her why she wanted to known as some guys boy toy. Never saw one on her again even though I think she had some after that (she just hid them from me). It is a shame that some of our kids don't have the self-respect to say no to that garbage.


(the future) MRS. GERE
D3, I absolutely agree that they are gross.

That said..............this..............

Geez, it's like branding a blankin cow.

.........had me :rofl:

Vent all you want.


Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Yup. I was :rofl: at the branding thing too.

But I've always hated the darn things. Stupid. I managed to get all the way thru school without a single one. And husband give me one on our honeymoon. was the first and last time, too.

Ya know, come to think about it......I don't think I've ever seen one on my girls either. lol



Well-Known Member
Yup. Go ahead and vent.
Add my vote to the "eeewww!" and "tacky" list.
And yes, the branding comment had me :rofl: as well.

Yuck, yuck, yuck!



Well-Known Member
:D He had to go help 18 year old ex (I hope) girlfriend with a project this afternoon. He looked at himself in the mirror and I heard "the 4 letter word" through the bathroom door. :redface: I suggested he wear a turtleneck as an undershirt. LOL! He has the impression that turtlenecks are NOT worn by REAL men. No way he'd consider such a sissy shirt.

So.......LOL......since he "couldn't wear a turtleneck


He had me put makeup on his neck!!!!!!!!!

Is that funny or what!? DDD


New Member
My mom once told me that hickeys were for immature teenagers that wanted people to think they were having sex in the backseats of cars. That stuck with me.... that and the one guy I dated that insisted on giving them to me, she met at the door with a shotgun and threatened to blow off his unmentionable parts if he left another on me LOL