need help have 5 year old adhd odd.

Sara PA

New Member
He eats at night because the Ritalin wears off. Ritalin and all the stimulants surpress appetite as long as they are in the body. Once they leave the body, the kids often get really hungry but can rarely eat enough to compensate for all the food they didn't eat during the day. I checked some growth charts. His weight is very low for his age; only about 5% of boys his age weigh that little.


New Member
yes it is .but untill ifind out what is defintlywrong i have no choice.and at least when he takes his medications i see the good side of him


New Member
i wish i could take his medications and loose wieght cause with every thing going on i have gained and i dont know why i never have a chance to sit down unless there both asleep


Active Member
Sounds like you're between a rock and a hard place. medications not right, behavior so bad you can't take him off the medications, and no doctor in place to help with the medications. I'm sorry.

Is there any psychiatrist with a shorter waiting list?


New Member
i wish every one has waiting list and its not right what about people who need them now.but they say baltimore has some of the best hospitals for children maby thats why there is always a waiting list


New Member
welcome needabreak. I'm sorry to hear the struggles you are going through.
I'm not a medical expert, but I agree with the others, 80mg of Ritalin daily for a 5 year old is way too much. I also agree with trying to get your child into a psychiatrist earlier than what the waiting list is right now, a regular doctor isn't *as up to date*, with the mental health field and to me shouldn't be prescribing the medication for your child, in my opinion. Hopefully you will find a psychiatrist with a shorter waiting list.


Well-Known Member
My guess is the Ritalin (and what a high dose--that would make me uncomfortable) is working like an amphetamine for him, making me think he may not be correctly diagnosed. If a child is put on the wrong type of medications for their issue, it can make them worse. I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable trusting whoever has prescribed this dosage of Ritalin. I'd seek another opinion. I would suggest a multi-disciplinary evaluation at a children's or university hospital. He exhibits symptoms that could be many things. Don't get stuck on one idea only. Something's up, and in my mom's gut, it sounds like more than ADHD, but it may or may not be bipolar. Could be something else.


Hi needabreak

There's information on the FAQ Board/Help forum regarding multidisciplinary evaluations and parent reports.

My son matabolized Ritlin quickly also.

You might want to strongly consider getting a pediatric psychiatrist to manage your son's medication.

Welcome to the site!


Well-Known Member

So, you say he is better with the Ritalin? So, when is he uncontrollable? When it wears off? Just at night?


Well-Known Member
Wow. I concur with-everyone here... and wish you the best.
I'm glad you're questioning his medications... you've gotten some good comments here.
Don't know what else to say except to switch medications and switch docs if necessary.


New Member
thanks to everyone who had comments for me and i have been making appointment. for him.his dochter keeps a very close eye on him and has monthly blood work done and everthing comes back normal.


Well-Known Member
needabreak, my child also metabolizes medications very quickly. He has always taken more mgs. than one would normally recommend. Right now he has to take TWO doses of Focalin XR throughout the day. It just doesn't last long enough to help. Find a doctor you trust and go with him.....


New Member
well it has been crazy today my son has had no medicine because i have to wait to get a referal for it.its something new they are doing.i just hope it goes through soon cause school is tomorror.but they are calling for snow so maby school will be closed.i wish i knew why he did the things he did he is a buetiful child and has a very loving why does he do what he does.he keeps telling me his brain makes him do it and it hurts so bad to know that something is wrong with him.i am so glad i found this site i am telling every one i know cause every one needs to vent once in a while


Well-Known Member
NAB, he does them because he's sick, like he had diabetes (he couldn't control his blood sugar. Your son can't control his behavior). It's not your fault. I'd just get him on a waiting list for a good evaluator, and,until then, maybe see if you can get an appointment with a child psychiatrist and a neuropsychologist (i'd see both) to get the big picture. If stimulants have made him worse unless he takes 80 mgs., I would not believe he has the right diagnosis. The school can't legally keep your son home from school unless he's on medications. Does your son have an IEP? If not, I'd request one. But they can't make him stay home. It's against the law. Hugs, and try to have a good day.


New Member
hi every one .i hope every one is having a good day.i cant believe i am my son had a good day in school.that is the first in two weeks.he had a liitle promblem in the evening and cussed two times but that is great compared to i will take what ever i can get.both my boys go to gymnastics and we have not been there for a while cause every one has been sick.they enjoyed being sitting here waiting for it to snow so my boys can go play tomorror that will get out alot of energy.