Off to get my results


New Member
So I went to see the cardiologist today. He said based on my stress test and my EKG today, there seems to be nothing wrong. I go for an echo next week, and have to wear a heart monitor for four days. He says until something shows up, they won't know what's going on, or if its heart related. Tomorrow I go for my pulmonary function test. We shall see what they say. Wish me luck. I'm also quitting smoking, so I'm a bit cranky and irritable at the moment.


Active Member
Well - that is GOOD news. Any chance this could all be anxiety related? I get the worst chest pains when I am anxious, and that coupled with the SVT I always freak out even more that something really is wrong - which in turn makes the pain worse. Vicious cycle. I can't remember all your other symptoms, so I am just throwing that out there as an idea. Keep us posted.


New Member
I don't think its anxiety related. And he ruled out the type of syncope you can get from changing posture since my episodes have happened both sitting and standing. Star, thanks for the link, I'll take a look at it after I've had more sleep in me. Insane, I know smoking isn't good for me. Just is a bad habit and a hard one to break.

He was throwing out ideas -one was the side of possibly having an infection in the layer around the heart because of the elevated white blood count and the fact that nothing is showing up. We'll see what the echo shows. It's an interesting thought. I'll have to read up on it some more.

Another was having something wrong with a valve, or some part of the structure. Another was a possibility of 'loose wiring'. The list goes on. Basically could be anything. We shall see.


New Member
So I had the pulmonary function test. The lady was super kind and explained my results -which were all good except for one, which shows that I've had a lot of lung infections and that there is probably some scarring in there. I have to go follow up with my PCM for 'official' results. But I think lungs are officially ruled out now.


Here we go again!
Well that's good to hear they are ok. You're doing all you can do by going down the list and ruling things out. You'll get to the root of this eventually.