Parent Input


Roll With It
I know many of us have been here quite a while, but we do have some newbies (or sort of newbies) here that I don't see on other forums.

I wanted to tell you about the Parent Input/Multidisciplinary Evaluation (MDE) thread.

Parent Input is a form some of the wise parents here created to help us keep everything our kiddos go through straight. It isn't exactly a form, more an outline I guess.

It lets you put your hopes and dreams for your child, his strenghths and weaknesses as YOU see it, test results, medications he takes/has taken, most everything you need/use in a handy format so you don't spend hours searching for everything.

You always want to be careful what info you give to whom. School does NOT always need all the info, it depends on the situation. Pretty much that is the rule. Doctors usually need the info, UNLESS you want them to do a clear evaluation with no prior bias. Sometimes this is helpful.

I kept copies of this in the 3-ring binder it is in. I had an up-to-date photo on the front, and a smaller one on the beginning of each section. They xeroxed quite well. The photos remind people that this info is about a PERSON :salute: , and WHICH person as many times it is hard to put names to faces when you see 30-40 patients a day.

I just thought this might help someone.

You can find this on the FAQ/Board Help forum, just above the General Forum on the page that lists all the forums.

Hugs to all!



Former desparate mom
What a brilliant idea Susie. We forget to mention all the tools that are so common to us to the newbies.
If you haven't read that particular thread, please do. The sooner you start the Parent Input evaluation, the better it will be. It is something that grows with your child and is a really good tool. It's a godsend when going to a new doctor, psychologist, IEP meeting etc. As we all know we can use a tool that tells our child's story clearly and effectively.


Well-Known Member

great idea to share that information. I did a parent report for difficult child years ago and continually update it as needed! It is a helpful tool.



Roll With It
I am glad I did not step on toes by mentioning this. I put it in the PE forum as we have some newbies there who don't post in other forums, later today I may copy it to all the forums.