Question about para's and IEP's -


My district did not give Wee's para's the IEP in the past.

Is that Hippa thing or just my district thing? They lead me to believe it was a Hippa thing...


Well-Known Member
I have seen it both ways; where the para was well aware (and trained) in whatever the child needed, and I've also seen where the para (and me, the sub) had no clue. If it's really HIPPA, you should be able to authorize release to whoever you think needs to know.

For example, I just got a call from my favorite office manager to sub in two weeks, and she told me that there were two autistic kids in there, with an aide. That's the kind of thing we need to know to be more effective. How can anyone help Wee if they aren't aware of what he needs?


New Member
difficult child's aide always gets a copy of the IEP. If your district won't do it, then surely you can give her one.


Active Member
Our district allows the teachers to share the relevant portions of the IEP with the aides. I believe the aides get copies of the BIPs as that is often key to their job. You can give the IEP to whoever you want or ask for the aides to read a copy prior to working with Wee.

(I use aides because our district has a policy that all Special Education aides must be parapros - but with your district, I'd be very clear that they need to be paras.


member since 1999
Shari - I just found this while I was looking something else up in IDEA. I think it's pretty spot on for your case. A para is a related service in my book; therefore, they should absolutely have access to the IEP (and BIP as well)

Require that the IEP be accessible to teachers and others responsible for its implementation.

Each public agency must ensure that:
• The child’s IEP is accessible to each regular education teacher, special education teacher, related services provider, and any other service provider who is responsible for its implementation; and
• Each teacher and provider described in this provision, is informed of his or her specific responsibilities related to implementing the child’s IEP and the specific accommodations, modifications, and supports that must be provided for the child in accordance with the IEP.
[34 CFR 300.323(d)],root,dynamic,TopicalBrief,9,


Roll With It
In Wee's case I would think that it would be imperative for his para to know his IEP and BIP and anything else that has to do with him. I have found that HIPPAA is interpreted very differently at very different places, and much of this interpretation is wrong, regardless of how widely or narrowly it is interpreted.

You need to specifically insist that every para that works with Wee not only has access to the IEP but has read it and UNDERSTANDS it AND how it changes what they do with him and HOW THEY DO IT!

I don't think you can ignore any details with these people. in my opinion the school is doing, and has done, all they can to keep Wee at home and out of their hair. They don't seem to be invested in educating him, rather they seem focused on making all circumstances work so that he cannot learn.

NOT the sp ed teacher now, but many of the people in the past, and the principals and top people. I just don't get how they don't see that they are violating not only his educational rights, but his ADA and even CIVIL rights.

It makes me want to get a bunch of us and our fave sp ed teachers/reg teachers/aides/paras/etc... together to open our own school. Of course it will be a magic school where the children all live at home and a special bus takes them (and us) to our school and home again each day!!!

When I am Queen of the world....


Well-Known Member
Glad Sue found the information for you. Upon reading your post, I was going to look that information up for you as well. I knew it was in there! It's not just the BIP that has to be shared. Making sure difficult child's teachers knew he had an IEP (especially once in middle since there are so many more teachers involved) was always very important to me. I always emailed his teachers, once we received his schedule in late August) to just introduce myself, give my contact information, briefly introduce difficult child, make sure they were aware he had an IEP, and then put in writing any points that I considered important for a smooth beginning of the school year.

I definitely kept this initial contact very positive and very brief.

I always provided his 1:1 with a copy of his IEP.



So the hippa excuse is bs. I have looked (back when I had a ltitle time) but did not come up with this tidbit. THANK YOU! One of the aids that helped Wee while he was in the resource room last year was laid off "due to budget cuts". She's also morbidly obese and pretty forthcoming about what Wee needed vs what he was getting, and has been there many years. Being that the district hired another aid, I'm guessing her position wasn't truly "cut".

Anyway, we have many mutual friends...I think I will just ask her if she was ever privy to Wee's IEP, since I now know what should be happening...


Tomorow is the big day for the next round.


Well-Known Member
Our aide (which here was called a tech) wasnt provided by the school system which just goes to show how different things can be. However, the techs were always in the know about what he needed. That was their job.